Making Up For Lost Time

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Ichika makes it to the table to join the girls for breakfast on this nice Sunday morning. As Ichika sits down he collapses.

Houki:"Uhm . . . Ichika, are you okay"

Ichika:"Uhg . . . define 'okay'"

Charlotte:"Have some tea. If you can't eat anything, you should at least drink some tea."

Ichika:"Oh . . . thank you, charl"

Laura:"And what happened to that blue-haired floosey?"

Ichika:"She said she had some student council business to attend to"

Rin:"I guess it was your fault for rising to her stupid provocation to begin with. But still, she didn't have to beat you up this badly"

Ichika:"I only wished (Y/n) was there, he could have made the training a lot easier"

Then you appeared out of the shadows surprising everyone.

(Y/n):"Whomst has summoned the almighty one"

Cecilia:"(Y/n), where did you come from"

(Y/n)"Well when a mother and father love each other very much-"

Houki:"That is not what we meant"

(Y/n):"I know, I'm just joking around, but if you want I could explain it to Ichika"

Ichika;"Explain what."

(Y/n):"Nothing, Ichika"

You sit down but remember to get breakfast.

(Y/n):"I'll be right back I'm going to get breakfast"

Charlotte:"Actually I went ahead and got you some (Y/n)"

You look to see that Charlotte has gotten an extra plate of breakfast for you.

(Y/n):"Oh, why thank you Charlotte"

You sit down next to Charlotte and begin to eat with her.

(Y/n):"So Ichika, how have you been doing with your new personal trainer."

Ichika:"Tatenashi has told me that, I am still really weak in certain areas and I need to master those skills as soon as possible."

Charlotte:"You know, when I see a boy doing his best, that is a wonderful thing"

Houki:"I have to agree, you're doing a lot better now"

Everyone was seems to be trying to cheer up Ichika, giving everyone a moment to bond. 

Cecilia:"Ahem . . . . . Ichika, it you happen to find the conditions of your present room to be less than desirable, since *glares at you* a certain roommate.  I certain I could find it in my heart to permit you to be a guest in my quarters"

Welp there goes the mood.

Rin:"Hey, wait just a second, missy!  Ichika, I think you ought to come stay in my room!  I have playing cards."

(Y/n):"Yeah, playing cards is going to change his mind"

Rin:"Oh shut up (Y/n)!"

Laura:"Hold on!  I have the playing cards in my room as well"

You noticed that Houki is awfully silent, still hurt from the rejection.

Cecilia:"Not sure if you know Ichika, but I have tarot cards."

(Y/n):"You guys do realize that Ichika fell asleep"

Just as you said that, everyone could hear Ichika let out a loud snore.  Then the three girls Cecilia, Rin, and Laura gathered around him.

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