Trying to Mending Old Wounds

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(B/n)=Brother's name

(M/n)=Mother's name

(F/n)=Father's name

You left as soon as possible but you didn't want to use your iron man suit since it would shorten your life, so you take the first plane back to america.  The flight was quiet since you were too wrapped up in your own thoughts, thinking of how you will talk to your parents since you left after your brother's suicide.  Although this flight may take nearly 16 hours so you had plenty of time to think.  

Throughout the flight your thoughts were all over the place ranging from how Ichika is going to do against Laura to what to say when you get home.  It was so stressful that you couldn't sleep, awake through the entire flight. 

Once you landed you took a drive to your hometown, a place that you haven't seen in a long time, 7 years to be exact.  You start to walk down the road, a long empty road that was headed to your old house.

Once there you were met with a wave of nostalgia, when you saw your house.  Although it seemed even worse than before, to the point that it looked like it would collapse at any second.

You start to approach the old house as cautious as possible due to the tall grass all over the front yard hoping not to step onto any dangerous animals.  Then walk up the two steps before getting in front of the door, taking a breath before you enter the home that you grew up in for the first time in five years.  Opening the door with no lock, never was one in the first place, seeing the house which was even worse than it was when you left.

The wood to the stairs rotting to the point that it wouldn't be able to handle even fifteen pounds if it came to that.  With questionable stains and mold all over the furniture and the floor, being careful not to step on any of them.  In the kitchen is where there is a mountain of unwashed dishes, a part of you didn't want to check the fridge but you did.  As you opened it a wave of disgusting smell fill your nose, not even bothering to look you simply close the refrigerator door.  After that incident you go out the back door.

You take a deep breath and look up a hill with a wooden cross in the middle, you take a deep breath and start to make your way up the hill.  You took your time to walking up the hill since you were gathering your thoughts on what to say.

Once you were up the hill, you find the grave of your own brother.

(Y/n):"Hey (B/n), sorry that it has been so long, but I'm here now."

Nothing, you were talking to a grave, there was no one there to respond.

(Y/n):"So um, where do I start"




(Y/n):"I guess the beginning is fine."

So you started to tell the story of how you first invented the arc reactor to your extraordinary life in school, and finally of how stressed you are on meeting mom and dad.

(Y/n):"You know how I get with them, especially since mom is prone to violence and dad is cold man "




(Y/n):"I should have figured out that you were suffering, if I found I would have said something sooner and then you would be here to actually listen to me rant on about how stupid people could be"

You say as tears start to flow down your cheeks.

(Y/n):"Sorry about that, I just wish you were here"

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