The Armor War Begins

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Looking up to your combatants in armor designs similar to yours, you know you were in deep shit.  The first thing that happens is that the guy in the big grey armor stepped forward and grabbed you.

Grey armor:"I'm going to enjoy this"

He proceeds to throw you through the wall but you slow yourself down to land on your feet, the big guy came at you with surprising speed and clothesline you.  This made you do a back flip and land on your face.

(Y/n):"Jarvis you there"

You were only met with static.

(Y/n):"Looks like I'm on my own"

You try to fly out to get some distance but was grabbed by the leg and slammed back on the floor, knocking the wind out of you.

Big Guy:"You don't recognize me do you"

(Y/n):"I think I would remember someone in a big suit"

You say sarcastically even though you're out of breath.

Big Guy:"I'm someone that you fucked over"

(Y/n):"Do you have any idea how little that narrow's it down"

Iron Monger:"I'm the Iron Monger"

He throws you again through another wall into the hallway.

You quickly get up and pointed your hand to fire a repulsor ray but before you could an electric whip grabbed your hand and made you shoot a hole in another wall.  A large amount of pain came from said hand making you try to remove the whip but the other hand got shock making you grunt in pain.

(Y/n):"Yeah, thought so.  And who are you Mr. kink"


He says in a heavy russian accent, he pulls you across the hallway and throws you back towards the Iron Monger.  The Iron Monger than throw's a haymaker at you but you quickly fly between his legs pulling whiplash into the Iron Monger.

(Y/n):"Alright assholes, game on"

You look at both of them, two of them.

(Y/n):"Wait a minute, where's the third o-"

You were interrupted when a green guy flew threw the wall and holds you against the end of the hall.

(Y/n):"The final piece of the puzzle comes along"

Titanium man:"I am Titanium man, your superior in every way method and for-"

You interrupt him with a point blank repulsor ray launching him back with the others.

(Y/n):"Quite talkative aren't you. "

Iron Monger:"Titanium man, you will find the ring. Me and whiplash will take care of (Y/n)"

(Y/n):"What's the matter lose a wedding ring, gonna marry whiplash, huh titanium man."

Whatever this ring is, it would be best to prevent them from getting it and try to get them to fight you.  So you try to aggravate them to the point where they will hate your existence.

Titanium Man:"I'm going to rip you limb from limb"

Iron Monger:"Titanium man wait"

Titanium man charged at you with surprising speed but you knew he would charge so you flew upward to bring your knee at his face.  You then proceeded to shoot the Iron Monger launching him back into a classroom, then with whiplash left you flew towards him grabbing him by the neck and slam him into the next hallway.

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