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(Y/n): "Heh, I guess the beginning is fine."

You looked around the room with everyone staring at you in suspense, even Baxter and Bessy were staring at you with intent.

(Y/n): "Lets see, I was born in Manhattan, New York."

Cecilia: "So you weren't born here?"

(Y/n): "Yes, I grew up here but I wasn't born here.  Anyway as I was saying, I was raised with two not so great parents, they *sigh*-"

You couldn't find a nice way to put this so you decided to be blunt.

(Y/n): "They abused me"

Everyone in the room gasped.

(Y/n): "They treated me as if I was the source of their problems, since I was nothing but an accident, I guess it's true."

Maya: "It's not true (Y/n)."

Charlotte: "Their problems were only theirs, they have nothing to do with you."

Everyone was agreeing with them, and you did too in a way, it's simply that it's been drilled into your head.

(Y/n): "I'm sorry, your right."

Rin: "What's that, (Y/n) apologizing?"

(Y/n): "Yes, I'm apologizing, after all I have the humility to admit that I'm wrong.  Unlike some people."

Rin: "Hey -"

(Y/n): "So can I continue?"

Rin: "Yeah, sorry."

(Y/n): "This goes on until I turn 10, I managed to escape and inform the police to be sent to an orphanage.  I was be considered a lost cause to the caretakers since I was troubled and prone to violence, until a good man opened his home to me.  This would the man who I would truly call my dad, Eric Churchill."

Everyone remembers the name from the hotel where they stayed, now noticing that the pictures of Eric matched the ones in the hotel.  Everyone noticed that (Y/n) looked so happy in some of the pictures.

(Y/n):"I will admit, when I was first with him I wasn't a good son, even though he opened his home to me.  Whenever I stole from him he showed me kindness.  When I failed in school he showed understanding and patience.  I lied, cheated, clawed, and fought, Eric, my dad, showed compassion and love."

Everyone was quiet, each one listening intently as they were worried about you.  Charlotte was heartbroken from your past, Maya who knew about your past was still upset on how bad you've had it, Rin and Cecilia felt a bit bad knowing that they haven't been as nice as they should have been.  Meanwhile Chifuyu and Ichika were angry on how your parents could have treated you, they both at least had each other, while you didn't have anybody until you were older.

(Y/n): "I was so scared to be hurt like what my birth parents done to me, that I was slowly becoming them.  After about a six months he's finally gotten through, I was starting to act better, because he became someone I needed in my life, a parent.  He made me feel wanted, safe, and loved, something that I've never felt."

You immediately get notice that everyone had some tears in their eyes.  Everyone ran towards you to give you a hug, which caught you a bit off guard, but they do care for you after all.

(Y/n): "Everyone it's okay, that's all in the past."

Maya: "It must have been terrible for you?"

Charlotte: "You've been through so much."

Chifuyu: "Just know that your not alone anymore."

Ichika: "Yeah, you have us bro."

Tatenashi: "We will always be there for you."

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