Beautiful Lies

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(Y/n): "Time to go into the matrix."

Chifuyu: "(Y/n), stop joking around."

(Y/n): "It's the same thing, I'm heading into the cyberverse, am I not?"

Chifuyu: "I mean, your not wrong."

You were preparing a makeshift pod since there was only ten of them in total, so you were doing your best with the equipment that you were working with.  You were soon done, with having finally rewiring and building a new cyberdive system.

(Y/n): "There I'm done."

Chifuyu: "Are you sure this will work?"

(Y/n): "Of course, this is the easy part."

You say shaking the helmet in your hand.

(Y/n): "The hard part is going inside due to the fact that IS users are the only ones who could do a cyberdive.  Unless . . . . . "

Chifuyu: "Unless what?"

You take a few moments to think because the idea was dangerous.

(Y/n): "Unless I use Jarvis to move my consciousness into the cyber world.  Although this could be dangerous as due to the fact that unlike the rest, something could come back with me into my head."

You felt a soft kiss on your cheek, you turn to see that it was Chifuyu who gave you the kiss with a soft smile on her face.

Chifuyu: "If it's too dangerous, we'll find another way.  But I believe you can do this, you always manage to pull these stunts off without a scratch."

(Y/n): "Yeah your right, plus now that I think about it, Jarvis can not only be used as a bridge but as a gatekeeper to make sure that nothing other than me comes back into my body."

You say a with a bit of blush on your face.

Chifuyu: "Well then whenever your ready (Y/n)."

You began to put the helmet on then wired Jarvis to the helmet in order to use him as a bridge between here and the cyber world.

(Y/n): "Ready Jarvis?"

Jarvis: "Ready, sir."

(Y/n): "Jarvis, will this work?"

Jarvis: "This has a 97.8% chance to succeed."

(Y/n): "Sounds pretty good.  What if it fails?"

Jarvis: "You will become a vegetable."

(Y/n): "You couldn't have worded that better?"

You ask sounding worried.

Jarvis: "I was, what you would call, joking sir."

You nervously take a laugh to help calm yourself down.

(Y/n): "So what is the would the effects if this were to fail?"

Jarvis: "Electrocution, loss of motor function, severe loss to brain function."

(Y/n): "Oh, so you weren't joking."

Jarvis: "You wouldn't be considered a vegetable since you would still have some brain function sir."

You were not enjoying Jarvis' humor, so rather than having another word that would cause a bit of anxiety to go through your head.  You activate the helmet which caused you to see a bright flash of light in your eyes, then darkness began to flood your vision.  You tried to say something but no sound came out of your mouth, but soon a bunch of floating lights came to view, these lights made the area seem like the night sky.  Soon you were able to talk again, taking a sigh of relief that the system worked.

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