Returning In a Mess

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You left your hometown on the first flight back to japan with nothing but regret.  Not from not saying anything, but you regret coming here to talk to your parents if you could even call them that.  And if you were being honest with yourself you feel like it was a mistake to even come here since you now feel worse than when you got here.

Now you are simply holding your head, now wishing that you never came here.  Staying quiet throughout the whole trip to Japan, it was like this until you fell asleep in the plane.

Once you felt the plane land, you wake up and simply walk out of the plane and out of the airport.  You walk into the IS school trying not to meet anyone there, since you don't know what you'll do, so many bottled up emotions just waiting to explode.

Ichika:"Hey (Y/n) where were you"

Charlotte:"Oui, where were you (Y/n)"

You slowly stop and take a breath trying to get a hold of yourself.  You don't want to break down in front of everyone. 

(Y/n):"Hey you two, I had some business back in America"

Ichika:"What kind of business?"

(Y/n):"Some family business that I don't want to talk about"

There was an awkward silence after you said that, so you decided to change the subject.

(Y/n):"So what are you guys doing"

Charlotte:"Me and Ichika were going to buy swimsuits because we're going to the beach"

(Y/n):"Oh well, good luck with that"

Ichika:"Why don't you come with us."

You know that right now your a ticking time bomb, so you decided to decline their offer.

(Y/n):"Nah, I'm fine"

Ichika:"C'mon man, we finally get a break and now you're going to work even more"

(Y/n):"Fine I'll go"

Charlotte:"Oui it will be fun, no"

They start to walk around the corner, as soon as they are out of sight you take a couple of deep breaths and push your emotions deep down.  You walk around the corner to find all the other girls with Ichika.

Cecilia:"Your coming as well"

Laura:"What is the American dog doing here"

(Y/n):"Nice to see you too"

Rin:"Now listen here if you try to peep on any of us I will personally beat you to a pulp"

Charlotte:"Now let's be nice, (Y/n) would never do such a thing"

(Y/n):"Thank you, at least you care and have faith in me"

You say in a joking manner even though there are some truth behind the words.  There was silence in the air as everyone stared at you.

(Y/n):"It was a joke, come on we better go before we miss the train"

You run up ahead to find a seat on the train as Ichika was talking to the girls.

Ichika;"Does (Y/n) seem alright to you girls"

Cecilia:"Other than being an overconfident barbarian, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary"

Charlotte:"No Ichika's right there was something off about him.  He seemed a bit more distant."

Rin:"Seemed fine to me ?"

Houki:"It was like (Y/n) is in pain but is masking it through a smile"

Everyone looked at you on the train looking more as if he didn't have a care in the world, not as if he was in pain.

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