Dating Maya

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You were waiting at a fountain that you told Maya to go to, getting there 10 minutes early due to the mass amounts of nervousness that you were feeling.  You were wearing something similar to last time although this time you were wearing a jacket due to a bit of colder weather.  You were slowly going over what you were going to do on this date, but yet again not so much that it doesn't leave room if anything else were to come up.

Maya:"(Y/n) is that you, you look good"

You turn around to find Maya nervously fidgeting, since this was her first date despite being nearly five years older than (Y/n).  She was also wearing a beautiful red dress that had a hole that revealed some of her cleavage while wearing a black Jacket to keep her warm.

(Y/n):"You look absolutely stunning"

Her face turns red as she gets flustered.

Maya: "So where are we going"

(Y/n): "Well I was wondering if you want to go out to eat or do you want to do something fun"

Maya: "If you don't mind (Y/n), I actually have an idea for something to eat"

You nod understandingly and you held her hand to lead her. 

Maya: "So where are we headed"

(Y/n): "It will be a surprise until we get there"

Maya: "Alright, so what are we waiting for"

You were both walking hand in hand, she was leaning onto your shoulder.  She had a small smile on her face that made your heart flutter, she was holding you close as if you would will disappear once she lets go.

Maya: "So (Y/n), do you think that things will die down.  You know since that things with phantom task-"

(Y/n): "You don't have to worry about that"

Maya: "I'm just scared that you might get hurt"

(Y/n): "Listen I'll be fine, and you don't have to worry about that"

Maya: "We both know that you usually get-mmph"

You suddenly turned to kiss her, it was short but passionate.

(Y/n): "I understand that your worried, but right now it's just me and you.  You don't have to worry about phantom task, or that they may be planning something, or even your duties as a teacher.  Right now we are a couple, so why don't we enjoy ourselves and have a little fun."

Maya gave you a smile that would make your heart skip a beat, this inadvertently made you smile. 

Maya: "Your right (Y/n)"

She kissed your cheek, you put your arms around her waist and you held her close in a hug.  She returns the hug and leans into your shoulder, you hold each other in silence for a few minutes .

(Y/n): "I just want you to relax, you've been busy lately and we couldn't spend time together.  So why don't we enjoy ourselves."

Maya: "Yeah, let's relax"

You both separate and began to walk down the street hand in hand.

Maya: "So (Y/n), where are we headed"

(Y/n): "Well, are you comfortable singing"

Maya: "Of course, wait are we going to-"

(Y/n): "karaoke yeah"

You both stop a karaoke place, it was a nice place with a simple sign that gave some generic name for karaoke.

Maya: "So what are we waiting for"

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