Yet Another Attack

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For the rest of the week things have been going smoothly especially that you've been working on the security 'drones' aka the Iron Legion.  Like I said before the Iron Legion are weaker but cheaper and easier to replace, although they still could take on an unmanned IS easily.  

Once they were finished you've been spending time trying to be romantic with Charlotte and Maya, but were too busy with either training or paper work.  Charlotte was training with Laura, who seemed to desperately wants to beat Ichika for some strange reason.  Maya was so overwhelmed with paperwork about safety documents, Permission, and some other bureaucratic bullshit.  So you decided to surprise them and try to be a boyfriend by cheering them up or release some stress.

You head to Maya's office to find her having a stack of papers in front of her, signing some of the papers.  She hasn't noticed you yet so you slowly get behind her and wrapping one of your arms around her waist while you were holding something behind your back.

(Y/n):"Guess who?"

Maya:"Aah, (Y/n) you scared me"

(Y/n):""I came to see how you were doing buuuut-

You look towards the massive amount of paperwork.

(Y/n):"I can see that your busy, so rather I came to give you this"

You show her a single rose.

Maya:"(Y/n), you know you didn't have to"

(Y/n):"But I did, I also got you something else.  Have you eaten yet?"

You hear her stomach rumble due to being so overworked that she had to skip breakfast and lunch, she blushes a but see's you go outside the door and grab a box of pizza and a six pack of her favorite drink.

Maya:"Oh my, (Y/n) your a lifesaver"

She kisses your cheek as she grabs the pizza from your hands and opens it.

Maya:"Chicken, spinach, and Alfredo, my favorite.  Wait how did you know this was my favorite?"

(Y/n):"Well, I did a bit of detective work on your social media pages and quickly deduced on your preference since it's in every single picture with pizza in it."

Maya:"You could have just asked (Y/n), if you were anyone else this would come as a bit creepy"

(Y/n):"Well I wanted it to be a surprise, plus it's only a few basic things I know from deduction such as; favorite pizza, drink, alcoholic beverage, fruit, etc."

Maya:"Alright just nothing too personal "

She begins to eat her pizza and offers you one that you gladly accept a slice and sit next to her, and she leans her head on your shoulder. 

Maya:"Thank you (Y/n)"

She begins to hold your hand, her hand seemed so delicate compared to your rough hands.

(Y/n):"So about this weekend, are you free on Sunday?"

Maya:"Yeah, is that when we are going on a date"


Maya:"So where are you going to take me"

(Y/n):"That's a for me to know and for you to find out"

Both of you stay cuddling together for a couple of minutes until she broke off.

Maya:"Sorry but I have to get back to work (Y/n), I wish we could have stayed like that longer but I don't want to be behind."

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