Finding a Cure

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Charlotte was carrying you back to the school hoping to get you to a doctor, to make sure your okay.  Soon the they make it back to the school with Chifuyu and Maya waiting for their return thinking that they were successful in destroying the Gospel, but didn't know that (Y/n) left to fight.

Chifuyu:"Mission Accompl- What happened to him"

Maya:"Get him to the medical bay as quickly as possible "

Charlotte:"I'll take him"

Maya:"I'll help you"

Chifuyu:"I want a full report on what has happened by the time we stabilize (Y/n)"

Once Chifuyu finished, Charlotte got out of her IS unit and with the help of Maya carried (Y/n) to the medical bay, where there was a doctor waiting to treat (Y/n)'s wounds.

Putting you on the hospital bed, the doctor had to take off your shirt to check how bad his wounds, the doctor cut open your shirt to find the some sort of strange markings that seem to coming from the arc reactor.

Doctor:"Is this some kind of joke"

Maya:"Just treat the other wounds, we'll worry about that later"

The doctor did what she was told and treat (Y/n)'s burns.

Doctor:"Other than the strange marking's, he only had some second degree burns in various areas, but he should be fine"

With that being said the doctor leaves, leaving only Charlotte and Maya alone with an unconscious (Y/n).  Now alone, Charlotte laid down on top of your chest, while Maya held your hand worried about your health. 

Maya:"You love him, don't you"

Charlotte got up blushing but nodded but then saw that Maya was holding your hand.

Charlotte:"And I see that you've fallen in love with him as well"

Maya:"Yes.  At first I saw (Y/n) as one of my students but soon he became someone that need's my help, and I don't know when but soon I started to fall for him"

Charlotte:"He was so kind to me, and like you I don't know exactly when I fell in love with him but it probably started when he helped me with troubles with my father"

They both looked at each other.

Maya:"So what do we do, if we compete for his affection we could end up with the same situation as Ichika"

Charlotte:"But not as violent as the other girls"

Charlotte joked, causing them both to chuckle a bit.

Charlotte:"So what do we do"

Maya:"I don't know"

Both of them was quite inexperienced when it came to relationships so they don't know how they should approach this.

 Chifuyu:"Why don't you share him"

They both turn to find Chifuyu at the doorway.

Maya:"Ms. Orimura, when did you get here"

Chifuyu:"Around the time when you both confessed your love for (Y/n)"

Charlotte starts to blush like a tomato burying her face in her hands, with Maya was stuttering like a mess.

Chifuyu:"He probably would accept it, and he would be able to support you since he's well you know rich"

(Y/n):"What's this about me being rich"

Charlotte:"(Y/n), how much of that did you hear"

(Y/n):"Just rich, just kind of woke up a second ago"

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