The Beginning of the End

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The girls saw you wake up from the dive, where they saw that you were screaming in terror, they all began to go into the room to see that you took a few moments to take in your surroundings to see that everything was fine.  Although from what you experienced this could be another trick so you pushed the girls aside to punch the glass window, shards of glass began to lacerate you hand where blood began to leak from the wounds.  You smiled at the sight of your own blood realizing that you are in the real world, each of the girls doing their best to comfort you.

Charlotte: "It's okay, your safe now."

You take a few moments to breath in order to collect your thoughts, while you did this you every memory of the torture that Ultron put you through began to crash onto you.  

(Y/n): "Has any of you heard from Jarvis?"

Kanzashi: "No, not since there was this glitch in the system."

Maya: "(Y/n), please just take a moment to breath.  You've been through a lot."

The girls and Ichika then agreed where Ichika gave you some water.

Ichika: "I'll go check"

Chifuyu gave him a nod of approval, because she knew if anyone would know what would be happening it would be Jarvis.  Even if what that AI said was true or not, it wouldn't hurt to check.  Ichika was about to head out the door until something busted down said door, a hand then quickly grabbed him by the neck before Ichika could react.

Ultron: "I didn't think you would escape me, quite the miracle.  A miracle that won't happen again."

Your blood ran cold as you heard that voice, there was some panic when the girls saw Ichika in the hands of one of the Iron Legion.

Rin: "(Y/n), what the hell's wrong with you.  Tell it to let Ichika go."

(Y/n): "I can't."

Ultron: "Don't treat me like I'm just another one of his puppets."

Ultron's hand squeezed down onto Ichika's throat making him gasp for air as he struggled against his grip.  Ichika tried his best to escape Ultron's grip kicking and trying to break his grip, he even tried to summon his Byakushiki but it wasn't working for some reason.  It wasn't just Ichika's IS not working, it was everyone's IS, with Chifuyu's mind going a thousand miles a minute trying to think of a way to save Ichika.  Knowing that Ichika was in danger, you had to push your fear down in order to help him.

(Y/n): "Let him go Ultron, it's me you want."

Ultron: "You are not in the position to make demands."

You had to think of something to save Ichika, you slowly walked towards Ultron until he held Ichika higher into the air.  So you began to put your hand in the air as a sign of surrender as you began to circle him to move away from the girls while Ultron always faced you.

Ultron: "Don't bother surrendering, it's not going to save you or him."

You then got onto your knees while putting your hands behind your head.

(Y/n): "Please take my life in place for his."

Ultron: "Look at yourself, how the mighty have fallen.  To believe that your the hero that -"

While he was talking you then activated the watch gauntlet and quickly fired a repulsor ray at his arm blowing it off freeing Ichika.  Ultron quickly reacted firing back at you, where you barely dodged one of the beams grazing your arm.  Yet that graze was able to burn a chunk of your arm, although adrenaline was able to dull the pain for the moment.   You fired two more back to Ultron with one shot hitting him in the chest and another hitting his head.

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