Behind Enemy Lines

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Maya: "You what?!?"

Cecilia: "At the time we thought it would be a good idea"

Rin: "Look, I know that I messed up, I've already had a mouthful from (Y/n)"

Houki: "Enough you two, we've messed up."

Ichika: "And because of us (Y/n) is in that bed."

Everyone was silent unsure on what they should do, they messed up and now (Y/n) is paying the price in that hospital bed.  Before the conversation can continue both Tatenashi and her sister Kanzashi run up to Maya since she is now in charge.

Kanzashi: "Ms. Yamada, Ms. Yamada, there's something you have to see."

Maya: "Can it wait, I'm -"

Kanzashi: "It's about where Ms. Orimura, and where she might be?"

Maya: "Our, conversation isn't over.  You girls are still in trouble."

Maya then walked with Kanzashi to her computer, the others were about to follow behind but were stopped by Tatenashi.

Tataenashi: "Listen I heard what you did, but right now I've got to keep my head clear.  I know that you had good intentions and I understand that this may sound like a broken record, but you nearly got him killed. "

Obviously Tatenashi was angry at them, and everyone can tell that she was doing her best to keep her emotions in check.  She soon walked away to check on you, leaving the others to their shame.  Meanwhile Maya was with Kanzashi, who showed her a computer with an S.O.S signal coming from an island.

Kanzashi: "Ms. Yamada, right now we've got a signal that's coming from this island.  This could possibly be Ms. Orimura calling for help, so I would suggest that we should head out-"

Maya: "Or this could also be a trap."

Kanzashi: "What?"

Maya: "We just lost Ms. Orimura, we don't know where Tabane is, and (Y/n) is in a hospital bed.  Right now I'm the only certified IS user here, and I have strict orders to stay here and protect you."

Kanzashi: "But isn't Ms. Orimura, your friend?"

Maya: "Yes, but right now she's trusted me to do the right thing.  Right now we are weaker than we've ever been, so I can't have a risky operation of a possibility."

Kanzashi: "That's understandable"


An audible slap was heard across the lobby, both Maya and Kanzashi turn to find Houki was the one who slapped Rin.

(One minute ago)

Ichika: "So what should we do?"

Cecilia: "What do you mean?"

Houki: "He means that how do we make this up to (Y/n)"

Rin: "Why, we apologized."

Houki: "When (Y/n) apologized to us, was it enough?"

They all looked at each other, knowing that each held a grudge where (Y/n) had to make things right for them, all except Ichika.

Ichika: "Houki's right, we should do something for him."

Cecilia simply rolled her eyes, not liking the idea, but knows when she messed up so she will try to make it up to you.  Rin however -

Rin: "Why do we have to make it up to him?"

Ichika: "Because-"

Rin: "No, he's been nothing but an asshole!  If my memory serves correctly he nearly killed you Ichika when he let his pride get in the way!  He's insulted you about your family Cecilia, and why did you start defending him Houki!"

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