Imagine ~ Boymeetsworldfanmel

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Imagine ~ Boymeetsworldfanmel

"Tony said he knows someone he thinks you might like." Your best friend said mysteriously from the passenger seat of your car. A sigh escaped your lips, Jenna was forever trying to set you up with men as she was adamant she would find somebody for you. "I'm happy being single Jen." You said for what felt like the billionth time. "Oh really? Then why are you constantly watching romance films? Huh?" Jenna said sarcastically. Uncomfortable with the question you were glad when you reached the restaurant that you were eating at. The two of you were meeting Jenna's brother for lunch. Jenna's brother was the one and only Tony Stark a.k.a Iron Man. You and Jenna had been friends since childhood and you had known Tony most of your life so he was like an older brother to you as well as Jenna. Jenna shared an apartment with you in L.A so when the both of you decided to take a trip to New York it made sense to stay with Tony.

At the moment you were driving to meet Tony at his favourite restaurant. "I'm watching them because I want to. Simple as."Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jenna roll her eyes and pull a sarcastic face at you. "Look Jess, you really do need to get over him. He was a jerk, not all men are like that!" Jenna makes yet another attempt to persuade you that your last boyfriend was an exception to all men. Now it's your turn to roll your eyes. You spot a space and few buildings down from the restaurant so you pull into it. After the engine dies you turn in your seat to face Jenna. "Jenna, listen to me now. Will was a dick, he pretended to be in a serious relationship with me, while really he was sleeping around with every woman he could behind my back. No offence, but your brother sleeps with everyone, just the same as mine, and so does every guy friend I have! I can't remember a single honest guy I've ever met!" Jenna's face is set in anger. "You're being so narrow minded! Maybe it's because of where you hang around and what you do!" You almost gasped, a long time ago you used to party a lot. But you stopped that, got away from the bad picture and cleaned yourself up. "That was low Jenna." Then you opened your door and stormed towards the restaurant, Jenna leaping out of the car to follow you. "Jessica, wait! I'm sorry! I know I shouldn't have said that!" You spun around facing her, tears in your eyes. She knew that part of your life was an embarrassment that you majorly regretted. "Then why did you say it?!" She sighed and wrapped her arms around you; you stayed stock still, not reciprocating the affection. "I said it because I'm worried about you. You hardly laugh anymore, barely smile. You don't ever leave your apartment, except for work, you just sit around watching rom-coms because you miss the love. But, as harsh as it sounds, Will didn't love you. He never loved you, he just took advantage of you. And when you realised that, you broke down Jessica. You haven't been the same since and I miss my friend." The tears were falling down your face now. You let out a sob, causing a few people passing you to look. "I'm sorry Jen." You stammered "I just miss him!" She nodded "I know honey, I know." You sniffed and Jenna found a tissue in her bag for you. After you had cleaned up your face, to Jenna's standard, the two of you headed into the restaurant.

You found Tony and sat down "You okay Jess?" Tony asked gesturing at your face. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." You said giving Jenna a look, she said you couldn't tell you'd been crying. "I think I'm gonna go to the toilet." You announced standing up. "Okay, what drink do you want?" Jenna asked you. "Just water thanks." You replied as you headed towards the bathroom sign. As you entered the bathroom you walked straight into a man. "Oh, sorry." He said as you tumbled backwards. He grabbed your waist and pulled you up straight against his chest. You let out a sharp breath, and looked up into his eyes. You disentangled yourself from him. "Um, sorry about that." You mumbled. He smiled, oh my god his smile was gorgeous. You smiled back. "Its fine, I should have been looking where I was going. I'm Bruce." He said holding out his hand, you shook it. "Jessica..." The door opened behind you and a woman bumped past the two of you, stopping your conversation. She gave an apologetic nod and carried on. "I should be getting back to my table, we're waiting for my mate's sister." You frowned a little, wondering why he told you his plans. "Well it was nice meeting you." He smiled again, "You too." Then he carried on and left the hall. You grinned to yourself and entered the ladies room.

You came back to the table and saw Bruce sat there. "Bruce?" Tony looked between the two of you and frowned. "Do you know each other?" You smiled "We just met in the bathroom." Tony laughed a little. "Well Jessica this is Bruce my best friend and colleague." He said 'best friend' slightly sarcastically, it being a bit of a girly phrase. You giggled. "Well it's nice to see you again Bruce." He grinned "You too Jessica." You sat down "Call me Jess." Everyone ordered their food and it came quickly. Throughout the meal you and Bruce kept making eye contact and making flirtatious comments. At the end of the meal Tony announced that Bruce lived with him and would be there while you and Jenna were. "So you'll meet us there?" Tony asked. The both of you nodded. "Ok, race you there!" Then he darted out the restaurant as he grabbed Bruce's arm. The two of you sighed and looked at each other. "Guess we're paying then." Jenna said. You called a waiter over. "Can we have the bill please?" You asked. He frowned "Miss, your bill has already been paid. It was paid by Mr. Banner." You smiled and said thank you. "I guess Bruce paid for us." Jenna said smiling. "I'll pay him back when we get to the tower." You said. Never had you drove as fast as you did then. Tony still beat you.

Once you entered the tower and saw Tony and Bruce sat there talking, Tony began taunting you, in his witty way, about being slow. It went on for a while and it was getting on yours and Jen's nerves. "Give it a rest Tony, you didn't really give them any warning!" Tony began to sulk at being told off, while you remembered something. You rummaged in your bag and grabbed your purse. "Bruce, I nearly forgot, how much was my food?" Tony sat up and frowned. "You payed?" He questioned Bruce. Bruce just nodded. "I always leave my sis to pay. It's one of the things an older brother gets to do." Jenna sighed and nodded. "He's always done it." Bruce looked uncomfortable "Well, I thought I should pay because..."  He trailed off. "Because what?" You asked. Bruce shook his head and stood up "Anyone want a drink?" You all asked for water and Bruce went off to get them. A long time later Jenna and Tony were very drunk and you and Bruce were very sober. "Jenna, I think you need to go to bed now." She just giggled and fell over Tony who collapsed on the floor in laughter. You sighed and stepped forward with Bruce by your side. You both managed to pick up Tony and Jenna and headed towards the lift. Somehow you both managed to get them to their respective bedrooms and then escaped to the corridor outside.

"Hey, how's Tony?" You asked Bruce. "He's fine, fell asleep straight away. Jenna?" You nodded "Yeah the same, out like a light!" You laughed together before realising you were being a bit loud. You both headed to where you were all sat earlier. "I still haven't payed you for the meal!" You said remembering suddenly. "Don't worry about it! Honestly, I wanted to pay!" You frowned "What were you going to say earlier?" You asked. Bruce immediately blushed and shuffled on the couch next to you. "I payed because that's what you do when you want to take a girl on date, isn't it?" He said embarrassed. You blushed as well. "You want to take me on a date?" He nodded. "I would love to." He grinned and said thank you. "You don't have to say thank you Bruce!" You said laughing. He blushed again. You chatted for a bit more before you both went to bed. He walked you to your bedroom door. "Goodnight Jess." You smiled "Goodnight Bruce." He started to walk towards his room when he turned round and ran back to you. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to Central Park tomorrow?" He quickly added "With me, on a date, with me" You held back a giggle at the way he messed up what he was trying to say. "I would love too." He grins and nodded at you awkwardly. "Goodnight Jess" He said again. "Goodnight Bruce." Then you leant in and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. His cheeks flamed and you stepped backwards into your room, to see him fist pump the air as he walked back to his room.
Hope you liked it!! Thanks for the request!!

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Bye -
Mrs Captain Rogers

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