Imagine ~ purpleshadow14

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Imagine ~ purpleshadow14

Clint was sat next to you on the sofa reading The Huger Games... yet again. He'd been reading it so often recently that you felt forgotten. Clint loved the series but you couldn't really see why it was so great! Which just made you feel even worse about him ignoring you to read the books and watch the films - I mean if he's going to ignore you, at least do it for a good series! "I'm going to put on Catching Fire!" Clint said jumping up from the sofa as you groaned. "Really? Again?" He spun around to face you. "Yes again! Why do you have to be so grumpy whenever I mention the Hunger Games?!" Clint almost shouted at you. "Oooh he's in for it now!" Nat commented from your side. "Why am I always so grumpy? Says you! You facial expression always makes you look like a serial killer!" You shouted back at him, immediately taking offence to the tone he'd used. Loki made some remark the sounded like "Burn!" But you didn't respond to him. "I can't help my facial expression! But you can sure stop being such a bitch!" You opened you mouth in shock. As did most of the others in the room. "I cannot believe you just called Maddie that.” Steve said, unsurprisingly surprised.

"I can't believe you just said that to me!" You said sounding very hurt. Clint face softened. "Maddie... I didn't mean it." Tony chuckled and shook his head, knowing from personal experience that excuse didn't work. "Then why did you say it?" You said sadly. Clint sighed "Because all you've done recently is moan about the Hunger Games and go on and on about how terrible it is!" You were incredulous at his stupidity. "The only reason I've been moaning is because it seems like the only way to get your attention is to moan about your favourite fandom!" You heard Bucky whisper something but he was shushed by Tony. Clint practically gasped at your comment. "How can you say that? I always pay attention to you!" You raised your eyebrows. "Really? Well you're doing a fine job of it! I haven't even felt like your girlfriend recently!" Clint rolled his eyes "Give me one example of when I've ignored or abandoned you!" You fake thought about it for a minute before saying "Oh I know! How about yesterday?" Clint frowned so you carried on "Yesterday I had a panic attack and where were you?! Bruce was the one that found me and comforted me - not my boyfriend! Bruce said he tried to tell you while you were watching Hunger Games but you just told him to be quiet!!" A look of realisation dawned on Clint's face. "That's why you wouldn't shut up." He said turning to face Bruce. "Obviously! And you wouldn't even listen to me!" Bruce said. He was a fairly calm person, ironically, but he was a close friend of yours and was very annoyed with Clint for his behaviour. Thor shook his head in clear disapproval. "Clint - your lady is being ignored." You mentally sighed but knew he was doing his best to support you. "Good job stating the obvious there Thor!" You snapped your head back to Clint. "Clint! Don't be so rude!" He rolled his eyes and shook his head. "You're only saying that because you're pissed off with me already!" "So what?!" You weren't going to deny his point but everything he was saying was getting on your nerves at the moment. "Look Maddie, what do you want me to do?!" This annoyed you even more "You can't just do one thing and fix it all! You've ignored me and pushed me away for at least two weeks just for some book series! I'm your girlfriend and that's not fair on me!" Clint took a deep breath and you knew he was trying not to yell at you. "No you’re not." A frown appeared on everyone's faces; including yours. Clint grinned at you, confusing you even more. You turned to the others and saw Tony grinning, along with everyone else besides Thor; who looked as confused as ever.

Your hands flew to your mouth as you turned back to Clint. "At least I hope you’re not going to be for much longer." You knew what he was talking about now. He was down on one knee and looking up at you. "Oh my god." Somehow Nat managed to persuade everyone to leave the room - including Tony! No doubt they were listening in through the door, but still the thought was nice. "I'm sorry for the past few weeks. I've just been so stressed about this and you know reading calms me down." You nodded knowing this as a fact. "I just wish you could talk to me - I know you couldn't with this, but you know with other things - I want to be able to help you." Clint grinned at your comment. "I know, and I'm hoping, if I get the answer I want, that you'll be able to help me for the rest of my life. Maddie, you have been the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love you so much. I, we, have been through so many fights, with each other and other people. You've always supported me through no matter what and I can't begin to explain how much you mean to me! If I ever lose you I don't think I'll be able to carry on." He paused and took a breath; tears were beginning to fall down your face. "Maddie I love you so much I can't begin to comprehend it." He paused again and took out a black box from his pocket and took another deep breath before saying "Maddie, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

You blinked a few times before whispering "Yes." You were so emotional you couldn't do anything but whisper. He looked so happy as he jumped up and slipped the ring on your finger and kissing you. Everyone else came running in and hugged you as well. "Oh my god!" You said looking at the ring. "I helped him pick it out." Said Natasha giving you a tight hug. You grinned at her and said quietly in her ear "You'll be my maid of honour, won't you?" Natasha squealed and jumped up and down while hugging you as Clint was talking to the boys. He caught your eye and winked before walking over and kissing you on the temple. You celebrated for the rest of the day before going to bed a very happy couple; the argument from earlier completely forgotten.
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Mrs Captain Rogers

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