#12 ~ You See Him Cry For The First Time

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#12 ~ You See Him Cry For The First Time

Steve - Before the Winter Soldier
You walk in the door after a brilliant day at work. Your boss had given you a massive promotion, which upped your salary quite a bit, and then your friends had taken you out for a drink as celebration. "Steve?" You called out through the house, normally he came to the door straight away to greet you when you got home. "Where are you babe?" You called again. Your only answer was silence. "I guess he's one shopping" you muttered to yourself. You walked through to the front room and flopped into an armchair, taking off your shoes. You decided to go and change into some comfortable clothes in your bedroom. Before you went upstairs you went into the kitchen and got a drink. While having your drink you glanced at the calendar to see if you had anything planned for this weekend. You noticed a small red dot in the corner of today's box. "Shit!" You said dropping your head into your hands. During all your excitement today you had forgotten what the date was - 31th of August. The anniversary of James Buchanan Barnes' death.

You raced upstairs, hoping to quickly get changed and then go out looking for Steve, when you heard an odd noise. It was a recurring kind of quick breathing noise. "Oh my god." You whispered to yourself "Steve's in there, and he's crying?!" You realised that Steve must have heard your call but been too upset to answer you. You slowly pushed open the door and crept in. There sat on the edge of the bed, with his back to you, was Steve. You could see through his white shirt that his back muscles were extremely taught. "Oh baby." You sighed. You walked over to the bed and sat behind him, resting your head on his shoulder. He tensed, almost jumping, when you hugged him. "It'll be okay" you comforted him. "HOW?! HOW WILL IT BE OKAY?!?!" He yelled ripping himself away from your grasp. You jumped back away from him, suddenly scared by the fiery look in his eyes. His face dropped when he saw how frightened you were. His arms fell to his aides and he dropped to his knees. "I'm so sorry Y/N, I didn't mean to frighten you. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." He continued to mutter 'I'm so sorry' until it turned into 'I'm so sorry Bucky, I didn't mean to let go'. This was when you jumped off the bed and threw your arms around Steve letting him lean into you. "Come on Steve let's get on the bed." He nodded weakly and you pulled him up, which was a massive struggle as he is tall and very heavy due to all the muscle. You managed to get Steve into the bed and you lay next to him. Fresh tears immediately fell down his face, causing his to start shaking again. "Shh shh" you whispered. He cuddled into you, resting his head on your chest. You held back a comment about how the way you were laying was usually the other way around, and wrapped your arm around his back."It'll be okay, I promise." You added. "Promise you'll never leave me?" Steve replied, causing your heart to clench. "I'm with you 'til the end of the line." You used the line he had told you about and he took it well. He smiled, leaned up and kissed you before whispering "Thank you." Then he cuddled down again and fell asleep.

Tony -
You were sat on the couch, shocked at what had just happened. You were pregnant and you had just told Tony. You had expected him to be shocked, but not at all sad. As soon as the words had left your mouth he had jumped away from you, his eyes never leaving your stomach. You had tried to move towards him, reaching out to reassure him, but he ran away; out of the room. You decided against following him - thinking that he might need some time alone - and went to your shared bedroom instead. Once you entered your bedroom you lay down on your bed and put the TV on. There wasn't anything interesting on so you just turned it off again. As you lay on the bed, contemplating when to go and find Tony, you realised that maybe you shouldn't. If this was his reaction just to hearing about the pregnancy then maybe he wouldn't want the child. You sat up and curled into a ball against the headboard. The fear started to consume you, you didn't want to believe the thought you had forced into your head, but there was a part of you that did. You got off the bed and started to pace around the room. "He wouldn't leave, he wouldn't." You said to yourself "Would he?" You questioned what you believed and flopped onto the bed again. What should I do?! Ran through your head a million times before you decided to leave. You dragged a bag out of your closet and started to fill it with clothes. You weren't leaving Tony forever, just for a few days so he could have some space. He would be able to come to terms with the fact that he was going to be a father, alone. You thought it was best for both of you.

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