Imagine ~ Shayna_Holmes

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Imagine ~ Shayna_Holmes

You and Loki were both part of the Avengers and had been dating for a long time. All the Avengers had a day off and you were all going to Central Park. Thor and Loki had never been and Steve hadn't been since he was a teen. Unusually all of you were taking taxis, which was a novelty transport for Thor and Loki, so it was a great day for them. As normal the traffic was terrible in New York and the taxi kept stopping - causing the three of you to jerk forwards against your seatbelts. The three of you consisted of you, obviously, Loki and Tony. Tony was your best friend, besides Loki, and because of this they had both called sharing a taxi with you. The other taxis had Natasha, Clint and Bruce and then Steve and Thor. Your friendship with Tony and relationship with Loki had caused an unlikely friendship between them. The three of you together became a fearsome trio, of sarcasm and in fighting.

Suddenly the taxi slammed on the brakes and came to an abrupt halt. This caused you to jolt forwards against your seatbelt and then fly back and hit your head on the head rest. "Owww!" You exclaimed loudly. "Sorry miss, you alright?" The taxi driver said. You just groaned in response. "Shayna?" Loki asked worriedly. You looked up and hissed in pain because of the movement. "Shayna are you okay? Did you hit your head?" Tony asked from your other side. You didn't turn your head for fear of more pain. "My head and the top of my neck are killing." you said. Tony chucked "Surely you have felt more pain?" He was referring to when you were shot in the leg three times on a mission once. "No, never. Arrgghh!" You quietened what was supposed to be a scream and clutched your head in your hands. That only made the pain worse. "Shayna?" Your vision started to go splotchy at the edges. "Loki's? I think I might..." You trailed off as your eyes rolled backwards, your eyes fluttered shut and your head lolled onto Loki's shoulder. You stayed conscious long enough to hear Tony speak to the driver. "Get us to a hospital. NOW!!" Then you slipped into darkness.

---------------Later on--------------

"Loki" Tony's voice sounded tired and worried. "Loki the doctors want us to leave. Visiting hours are over." Loki nodded and looked over at your lifeless body. "I can't lose her Tony, I can't" His voice cracked and a few tears ran down his face. Tony stepped forwards and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We won't. You know Shayna, she's a fighter. She'll make it through. She'll be fine." He sniffed and held back tears. Loki stood straightened out his trousers and planted a kiss on your forehead and then left the room without looking back. Tony stepped forwards and took your hand. He gave it a quick squeeze and left as well.
You stayed in your coma for 43 days.

Loki ran into the hospital ward and found your doctor. "What is it?! The hospital phoned us they said something had happened, but couldn't tell us what!" By us he was referring to himself and Tony. They both looked flushed and out of breath. "Please follow me." He said, giving them no more information, then he turned and walked to a room that was not the one Loki and Tony had been visiting for the last 43 days. They looked at each other and frowned before following him. As they entered the room they saw you lying on a bed, however you were not hooked up to the usual machines. "Shayna!" Loki exclaimed rushing to your side. "Where are the machines? Is she going to wake up?" Tony immediately questioned the doctor. "She already woke up." Loki jumped to his feet about to ask why he had not been called earlier. The doctor quietened him before he could even formulate a word. "However, something was not quite right. I conducted a few tests and am just waiting for the results..." The doctor broke off and turned to the door as a nurse entered. She gave the doctor a clipboard, murmured a few words then left the room. The doctors face darkened and he looked up at the two men. "I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that Shayna has suffered a memory loss of up to about 6 years before the accident. However the good news, however dulled it is now, is that there are no other problems." His tone was very grim as he told the men these facts. Loki stumbled backwards and fell into the chair beside your bed. "Tony? What do I do?" Tony was slightly confused as to why Loki sounding so distraught over the information. Obviously it was devastating but Shayna would still remember them, they would just have to rebuild their relationships with her. "Doctor this memory loss... is it permanent?" The doctor thought about the question for a minute before replying with "We are not yet sure, however we hope it is as there are no signs it is permanent." He nodded and told Tony he would leave the two men alone with Shayna and come back later. Tony turned to Loki and saw him clutching your hand with tears streaming down his face. "Loki, it'll be okay! We'll just have to rebuild our relationships with her! And the doctor said it wasn't definitely permanent anyway." He rests a hand on Loki's back and patted him. "Tony don't you understand?!!" Loki almost yelled, standing up and turning to face him. "She won't remember me!! It is our 6 year anniversary next week! She won't know who I am at all!" On the last word his voice cracked at he collapsed back into the chair. "Oh shit!" Tony said.

"Tony?" Both the men's heads snapped up to see you struggling to sit up on your bed. "Shayna!" Tony leapt to help you while Loki hung back. "Tony, are the results back?" He looked puzzled for a minute before remembering that you had already woken before. Tony looked at Loki who nodded "You are suffering from a memory loss of about 6 years." The shock was obvious on your face. You then asked who Loki was and he couldn't stay in the room so he stormed out. Tony then had to explain that he was somebody from the 6 years that was very important to you.

A while later you were allowed out of the hospital. Once you all got back to the Stark Tower you were introduced to all the Avengers again. Some you remembered some you didn't. They told you stories of the past 6 years and you got to know them again. Your memory didn't come back for 2 and a half weeks until one lucky day.

Tony had asked you to go and get something from his room for him and you willingly went. On your way up you realised you had forgotten which room was his. Instead of going back down oh decided to guess. You entered the room and opened the drawer Tony had referenced you too. You weren't sure if you had the room right, but you searched the drawer anyway. It was full of t-shirts! You came across a little box that you thought could be Tony's item. You opened it and there was a ring. It looked like an engagement ring! You stumbled backwards as a flood of memories came to you. You remembered you and Loki having a picnic under the stars early on in your relationship and him joking by saying 'If we're together in 6 years time I'll propose!' You jokingly agreed and the memory faded. Before you let another load of memories take you, you ran down the stairs. You felt certify and slightly confused. You ran into the room where everyone was gathered as they all turned to you. "Loki?" You stammered. He stood up immediately, recognising the box in your hand, and raced over to you. "Shayna?" Then everything went dark and you fainted.

When you came round you had been moved to the sofa and everyone was gathered around you. You sat up suddenly. "Oh my god! I remember!" Everyone was so shocked they didn't react. "Loki?" You said jumping to your feet. He stood in front of you, slightly cautious of how much you remembered. "I remember everything" Then you threw your arms around his neck and whispered in his ear "and of course I'll marry you!" Loki pulled the box out of his pocket and slipped the ring on before kissing you passionately, much to everyone displeasure. You all celebrated long into night.
I hope you liked it! Thanks for giving me the request!

Bye -
Mrs Captain Rogers

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