Clint x short reader : MadisonGupton

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Short female reader x Clint

"Oh my god, you're not going to believe what my boss told me today!" You said as you entered the kitchen, where a bunch of people were gathered preparing dinner. 

"What? Did he give you a detention?" Clint replied from his place at the sink, with a smirk on his face. You deadpanned him, refusing to respond to the joke, while a couple of the others laughed and Bucky looked confused.

"It's because she's so young Buck, he's pretending she's still in school" Steve said quickly to Bucky, who's face then broke out into a grin as he laughed. 

"Hey I'm not that young, it's only because you two are old men" Your protest was met with laughs from Steve and Bucky "and I only look young because I'm so short!" You were smiling as you argued. Clint laughed a bit as he walked over to you and kissed you quickly on the forehead, stroking your hair as he did so. 

"Okay, okay, don't have a tantrum babe" Clint loved to tease you about your age and height. He wasn't that tall himself, especially next to the other guys on the team, but at 4"9', everyone was taller than you. You laughed sarcastically and slapped him lightly on the back of the head as you turned to leave the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" Clint asked as the others turned back to making dinner.

"I'm just going to get changed quickly before dinner, I've been in my work clothes all day" You made a face as you gestured to the clothes you were wearing. 

"I'll come with and you can tell me about what your boss said" Clint took hold of your hand as the two of you walked towards your bedroom. 


"That's so amazing Madison, well done, I'm so proud of you!" Clint congratulated you on the promotion your boss had offered you that day. 

"I'm really happy, it's such a big step in the right direction." You smiled as Clint pulled you into his arms. Clint kissed you lovingly, his hands around your waist as your hands played with his hair. 

"As much as I would love to continue that, dinner will probably be ready in 10 minutes" You said, giving Clint another quick kiss. 

He hummed "A lot can happen in 10minutes you know." You giggled as Clint smirked but you turned away to get changed. 

"Maybe later, right now I want to put on a big hoodie and go and stuff my face with food, I'm absolutely starving!" Clint lay on the bed as you dumped your clothes in the wash basket and pulled on some leggings. You turned to your wardrobe and went to grab your favourite hoodie, one that was technically Clint's, but fell short when it wasn't hung in its usual place. 

You turned around and gave Clint a questioning look "Babe where's my hoodie?" He shrugged his shoulders a little too innocently "I don't know what you're talking about, I moved of all my jumpers onto the top shelf up there" he replied, pointing towards the top of the wardrobe. 

You sighed dramatically as you spotted the hoodie you were searching for, impossibly high. You knew you wouldn't be able to reach it, and more importantly, you knew that Clint knew that too. "Have you done that just so that I have to ask you for help?" You queried, leaning against the wall. 

A glint appeared in Clint's eye as he sat up "I don't know what you mean my dearest". You pushed yourself off the wall and perched on Clint's lap.

"Oh kind sir, would you please reach for that jumper for me, you're so tall and I'm so small, I just don't think I could do it alone!" You spoke with an exaggerated damsel in distress voice. Clint quickly jumped up, comically knocking you to the side. 

"Of course, my lady!" He quickly reached up and grabbed the hoodie, presenting it to you with a flourish. You took the hoodie, laughing, and pulled it on. 

"My hero" You giggled as you pulled Clint in for another kiss, just as you heard a knock on the door. 

"Lovebirds, dinner's just about to be served, are you joining us?" You heard Nat's voice through the door and you called back to confirm you'd be there in a minute. 

"Come along shorty" Clint jumped up from the bed and held out a hand to pull you up. You grasped his hand and pulled yourself to your feet, heading out of your room and towards the dining room. Clint followed and wrapped his arm around your waist as you joined the rest of the group for dinner.


I hope you liked this! Please leave some feedback for me!
So much love to each and every one of you
Mrs Nomad

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