chapter twenty-two

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Bella was really happy, her boss had lunch with her. It was usually business with his client during their lunch and whenever it was lunch without his client, he have his meal alone while Jane just go out and have her alone, which she have been fast with the food because he would request for so, so she never really enjoy her meal and beside that she doesn't have friends in the company that she would have lunch together with because their floor was the last and it was just the two of them. When her boss decided , the two of them to have lunch together she was happy. It wasn't a business lunch or with is client it was just the two of them .

All smiling, she park her car at the parking lot and head inside .

"Rosella, Jane " she calls out as she didn't see anyone in the sitting room.

"Rosella" she called again

Jane was the one that came out first before Rosella

"You home"Rosella walk toward her, sitting on the couch, followed by Jane

"Yeah am home" Bella collapsed on the couch lazily close to Rosella

"Gosh this heels are killing me" she kick her shoe off her leg

"You are all smiling, what is it"Jane ask noticing Bella's smile

"Yes!I even notice it, what is it"Rosella added

Jane just look at them puzzled

"Nothing, just smiling" she shuggred her shoulder

"Just smiling" Rosella snort "oh please spare me that. When you usually come home you rarely put a smile on your face . The kind of look you usually have on is the one of tiredness or you just keep a neutral face"

"Or she usually put on the look of hunger"Jane added with a laughter, Rosella join

"So I am being monitor. You guys are now monitoring spirit, monitoring my every move and my look whenever l am back from work"

"Whatever you say but don't skip the question"

"You guys aren't serious" she look between Rosella and Jane

"We are dead serious" Rosella answered  "So tell us what happen , if not we aren't going to stop. What is the reason for your smile"

"It really... no..."

Rosella cut Jane of from her stuttering

"Just cut the chase and spill"

"It really nothing . It just I have lunch with my boss with"

"So was the big the about it. Cause that won't be the reason for your smile"Rosella doubted

"It is. It just that it wasn't with his business partner or business related it a friendly lunch, just the two of us and am just happy"

Rosella and Jane who had been listening attentively had a mischievous smile on the face.

"Oh someone is in love" Rosella tease

"No I am not in love"Bella respond, quickly

"Then what is it because you just can't tell me that it just a friendly lunch that why you are all smiling "

"It is! It just a friendly lunch like I said nothing else nothing attached to it  just business related and strictly work "Bella quoted what the boss usually says to her

"Really" Jane tease "why do I feel like that there is love in the air and apart from that I can also smell it" Jane tease more

"It like the kind of love between secretary and the boss, it just like the one we usually read like all those romance story but do you know the interesting part"

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