chapter eleven

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Jane still kept in mind what Adria did to rosella and she wasn't going to let Adria go Scott free thinking she won .

Jane and rosella are both having lunch together with their team member apart from Cassie as always she has something important to do ......rosella has been talking non stop about Dave Shaw and how nice he is , how he didn't complain about the fact that they came late ,how he even told her sorry about her dress. When rosella was saying all this Jane didn't bother to contribute instead she just rolls her eyes each time rosella talk about him

"Ooh someone is crushing "Alex tease

"No am not ....I am just saying that he is nice"rosella defended

"Just admit it you are crushing"Alex and David said with singing voice

"Just stop already"rosella smile shyly

"Oh she is even blushing"beck added laughing causing rosella to face palm herself and the rest of them laugh expect Jane who rolled her eyes not finding it funny....... Some people might be thinking why does Jane not like Dave not as if they knew each other before , it just that some people are just like that they just dislike you for an unknown reason, why some people would say that maybe they had a past life together ........ Crazy right.
Jane look around for any sigh of Adria but couldn't find her.

"Guys I am going to get a glass of juice be right back"Jane felt the urge to go get a glass of drink
,They nodded their head and went back to teasing rosella .

Getting her juice jane was heading back to her table when she spotted Adria from afar , smiling Jane decided to walk gently ..... getting close to Adria Jane purposely pour the drink on her but anybody who saw this would think it was a mistake

"Oh my gosh .......I am so sorry "Jane said with a fake grasp and a wide eye ....... everyone in the canteen was already looking at them to see what Adria reaction would be

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh"Adria scream "are you blind or can't you see ,oh my gosh ,do you know how expensive this dress is , even your monthly salary can't even buy it "Adria blurted out angrily

"Hey excuse me  I said I was sorry not as if I did it on purpose "Jane said eyeing her

"Sorry sorry ,as if it is going to change the fact that you just ruin my dress"Adria said scarstically

"It not my fault that you bought cheap clothes"Jane said with smirk making some of them to chuckle

"Cheap cheap non of my things are cheap you clumsy bitch"Adria  scowl

"Clumsy bitch "Jane chuckle "I am sorry but not really sorry , you are the clumsy know what you just had a taste of your own medicine.... Imbecile"Jane whisper into Adria ears making Adria to grasp and her mouth wide open "close your mouth you might caught a fly"Jane said with a smile and walk off to her seat

"This isn't over Jane "Adria walk up to her and said

"Bring it on bitch"Jane smirk and Adria angrily walk out of the canteen

"That was hilarious"Alex said receiving a smack on the head from David

"Why did you do that ,I know it was intentional"beck ask jane and jane explain to her what happen

"Serve her i know the reason why rosella outfit was different"

"She got a taste of her own medicine"that was all rosella could say

"That she got"Jane laugh putting the empty glass of juice on the table.








Rosella was walking to the bus stop to get into the bus.......most of the time Jane take her home but Jane got something she got to do, so rosella decided to take the bus home.

Walking towards the bus stop , eyepiece was plug into her ears nodded to the beat of the song while she listens to the lyrics but all of a sudden she halt, a car pull over at her front ,the car was white and it has tinted glass ,she didn't know the name of the car because she wasn't really into cars but she did know some few car name the only description she could give this car was that it look expensive .

The window of the car slowly roll down

"Hey....I mean sir Dave "rosella was astonished to see Dave .she quickly remove the ear piece from her ears

"Just call me Dave ,are you going home"Dave ask

"Yes"rosella replied confuse on why he ask

"Pop in " rosella was reluctant at first "I don't bite"he said with a smile .

After some debate in her head rosella later got into the car

"You must be new at the company never seen you before"Dave said as he drive

"I have been in the company for about a month and a week if you can still count that as new"rosella replied sarcasm

"Oh didn't know , why I haven't meet are definitely a real beauty"Dave flatter.dave was right rosella was a real beauty with a perfect body curve a guy would go for

"Really aren't just saying it for me to feel good and kind of comfortable with you"she tease playfully

"Is it working "Dave played along

"What if I tell you no"

"My heart would be hurt not just my heart my pride "he said with a fake hurt expression

"Haha"rosella laugh heartedly

"You are very free to talk aren't some girl that would say let just keep it professional as if I ask her to be my girlfriend"Dave mock and rosella laugh freely

"Stop me here" Dave pull the car over for Rosella to step down

"Thanks for the ride "rosella said as she took her bag and open the door

"Hmm , can we be friends "Dave ask scratching his head waiting for Rosella reply and hope she wouldn't turn him down

"I will think about it"

Dave cock an eyebrow at her

"am just pull your legs.....we are already friends if I don't want to be friends with you I won't have let our conversation last that long"

"Friends"Dave stretched his hands out for Rosella and she took it

"Friends"rosella said smiling and step out

"Goodnight friend"

"Goodnight new friend"rosella laugh as she step away from the car and wave at him.

Thank you guys for taking your time to read my story I really appreciate it.......see you guys till my next update and please tell me you thought about this chapter.

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