chapter fifteen

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Rosalyn Rosalyn

Rosella chanted in her head

Why was she calling her.the only time Rosalyn calls is when she was in need of her help

Why was she calling

What does she need from me this time .

Rosella had different thought running through her mind. Since her stay in San Francisco Rosalyn haven't even called her to see how she was doing or her well being. The day rosella was to leave Canada to San Fransisco,only her mother , father and her siblings followed her to the airport Rosalyn didn't even see her off. What a twin she had and why was Rosalyn calling her now.

Taking the phone from Jane rosella was debating on her head whether to pick the phone call or not cause anytime Rosalyn call is to ask for her help and at the end hurting her.

"Why is she calling you" Bella ask with a scowl on her face

"I don't know"

"Don't pick the call rosella" rosella arched an eyebrow at Bella


"Have you forgotten what kind of person Rosalyn is, have she ever call to ask for your well being" Bella question rosella


"So I suggest that you should not pick that phone call,she is calling to ask for your help"

Bella was right, Rosalyn was only calling to ask for her help

"Maybe she might not be calling to ask for my help, it might just be something else" rosella was a bit curious

"Something else my foot" Bella snort "Rosalyn is Rosalyn she never change" Bella stated the obvious

"Rosalyn"rosella ended up picking the phone call in spite Bella telling her not to

"Rosella?" rosella heard Rosalyn hoarse voice.

"Yes it me rosella...... Long time since we talk. Anyway why did you call" it came a little bit rude, actually you can't blame her cause Rosalyn only call when she need her

"I really want to talk to you it something very important "

"What is it" rosella thought it was something different

"Please I need a little help from you" it was the same story

I just knew anytime she called is to ask me for help. She didn't even ask how I was doing. Wow! Just great

"What kind of help"rosella dare to ask, receiving a glare from bella

"I am in so much debt and I need you to help me out"

Debt ? how is that my conscience

"If you call to ask for money I am sorry I don't have any " sincerely she didn't have any, just a little.

"No!!I didn't call you to ask for money. I only called for you to find me a job. I know I have been a shitty twin sister to you hurt you and always make people see you as the bad one. Still yet you always there when I need your help, I know that I should be ashame of myself for what I have done to you and still have the audacity to call , when I was looking for someone to help me out it was you I could think about . Those I called my friends left me non of them are ready to help me. Rosella I am a change person just please find me a job . I am in need of it, desperately . Please I am begging you"Rosalyn cried over the phone . Rosella some how felt pity for her and didn't really know what to say and she just blurt out

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