Chapter seventeen

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Rosella did sleep that night thanks to Jane's advice and suggestion. It was morning, rosella got ready for work and was a little bit surprise to see that Jane was already up .

Jane did the right thing by waking up early because she didn't want to make an impression cause of what happen.

The both of them took their bag and headed toward the dinning table and saw that Bella was already there and she had already prepared the meal, she was setting the food on the table.

"Morning, bel" rosella greeted

"Morning rosy"Bella responded

"Morning Bella"

"Morning Jane"

Both Jane and Bella exchange greetings

"How was your night"Bella ask both Jane and rosella



the both of them replied the same time with a smile on their face

"Ok , take a seat let eat"

The both of them where standing like soldier. It was kinda awkward.

They both sat on their chair. Bella serve them their meal, they prayed and ate their food in silent

"It delicious" Jane commented, breaking the silent

"Thank you" Bella smiled at her . Done with their meal, rosella and Bella took the plate to the kitchen while Jane clean the table.

Jane usually followed them to the kitchen but she decided to stay behind because she knew both rosella and need to talk.

Getting into the kitchen, they put the plate on the sink, Bella decided to wash the plate while rosella clean the plate and put them inside the cupboard .

"Have you think about what I told you" Bella started not looking at her, she was concentrated on washing while she talk.

"Yes"Bella pass the plate to rosella while she clean it and drop it in the cupboard

"So what have you decide"

"You know that Rosalyn is my sister and I don't know why her tears has effect on me and without me stopping that tears I really don't know if I can rest. But no worries I know why " rosella smile . Bella finished washing the plate , she took the kitchen towel and her hand and drop it back where she took it. She then gave rosella her attention

"What are you saying and where is this going" Bella snort , giving rosella a confuse look.

"Actually what am saying is that because we are twin. We kinda have this twin bond and if I don't help her I don't feel ok ."

"So are you trying to say you going to help her and you think I will feel bad....."

"That not what I am trying to say"

Rosella reason cutting Bella short

"Let me finish. I don't feel bad rosella , I know she is your sister and that you want to help her but have you think this truly"

"Yes I have"

"It your decision and I am here for you but if she hurt you , she will be so fucking sorry"

Bella said with a serious look making rosella to laugh

"She won't dare and thank you Bella. I wanted to say that yesterday we were kinda work up not as if she was coming to San Francisco" rosella joke

" You are right she isn't coming and at the same time you can never tell" Bella also joke. Which got rosella thinking

Will she come to San Francisco

STAY STRONG (ON GOING AND EDITING)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora