chapter eight

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The next day rosella got ready for work,she wasn't able to sleep because of what jane told her

'what if he remember my face

What if he ask someone to follow me

Beside what even came over me

Rosella thought ,her mind was filled with negative thought about something that might not be possible

'maybe for instant he finally sees me will he destroy me ,will he make them sent me back to Canada , is he that powerful what will happen if he find out I am living with someone and that person is my best friend will he destroy her or try to harm her.......oh my gosh what have I done , all because of my running mouth 

"Rosella"Bella clicked her fingers in front of rosella making rosella snap out of her thoughts "what wrong with you , for the past two minutes you have been space out , l called couple of times but you didn't even answer Rosella what wrong?did something happen at your work place " Bella asked worried writing all over her face for her friend

"Uhm nothing happened , I was just thinking about work that all nothing else" rosella said not looking at Bella straight in the eyes instead she was staring at her untouched food......Bella knew that something was really troubling rosella cos she haven't touch her meal ........ something is wrong with rosella and she has to find out what is wrong

"Rosella am your best friend , but how can I be your best friend when you don't tell me what wrong or troubling make me feel like I am not worth been your best friend "Bella said looking at her break fast hurt .....she wasn't really that hurt, but she has to pull the best friend card out to make rosella tell her what is troubling , if she didn't do that rosella wouldn't want to tell her cause she prefer going through her pain alone and doesn't like when people give her pity look making her feel weak , but she wasn't just any people

"Bella!it has not come to that , you know that I tell you everything about me and you aren't just my best friend you are also my sister , so please don't say that it make me feel like a bad friend not just a bad friend but a bad sister so please don't say such things "rosella said truly hurt

"Ok sorry I said such a thing, you know I can't help it seeing you with such a sad or worried face cos it also get me worried"

"I understand"rosella then told Bella what happen and why she look stress out "I am just afraid that he might really destroy me in a minute like he said and that is not even the big deal I am afraid that I kind of drag you Into my mess "

"You didn't drag me into any mess cause it me and you against the world so don't even think for a second that you are dragging me into your mess cause you aren't............I want to ask a question but I aren't judging you , you know the rosella I know will always apologize even do when she knew it wasn't her fault or her mistake so what changed" Bella knew rosella to be the quiet one and she would always apologize even do she knew it wasn't her fault because rosella  doesn't like fighting so to avoid it she apologize , but one thing about rosella is she hate oppression and bullies she doesn't keep quiet when she is been bullied so she always stay away from trouble and bullies.

"I really don't know what change or what came over me and it all because of my running mouth"

"You don't have to worry yourself too much cause I am sure he might have probably forget about you and I am sure he got better things to do...... so don't think about the negative , think about the positive ... okay smile for me"Bella said smiling.......rosella gave Bella her best fake smile ,but Bella wasn't a fool .......she knew rosella smile wasn't genuine.








Bella and rosella are now in the car driving toward their office.....Bella is driving while rosella is resting her head on the window looking at the pedestrian

"Rosy , you know , the restaurant that you and your friend Jane went to , my boss usually goes there to meet most of his business client.....he also said that his father loves the restaurant a lot because they serve the best italian meals......I had actually followed him there twice , for business meeting and the food taste really good"Bella said trying to lessen the tension in the car

"Yeah the food taste heavenly and just the thought of how good the pasta was my mouth is already watering"rosella raise her head from the window and was now looking at Bella with a bright smile on her face .

"You and food like food a lot .... glutton"Bella laugh making rosella to frown her face

"Oh and look at who is talking"rosella said dramatically "weren't you the one that ate all the pizza from last night.... glutton"rosella reminded her with a smirk on her face

"I ask you if you were going to eat and you said you lost your appetite, so instead of it to get spoiled I ate it"Bella defended herself

"Oh please please tell that to a fool cause I aren't one "rosella cock her eyebrows at her "just surrender now cause what are fridge meant for"rosella smiled knowing she got her

"Whatever , suit yourself"Bella sigh

"Haha "rosella laugh "beside who doesn't like food , if no body like food you know that person isn't human"

"Yah yah .....and we are here"Bella said as she park her car at a side for Rosella to step down

"Bye , see you at home "rosella said as she came down from the car

"Bye"Jane said as she drove off








"Hey!what wrong with you , you have been acting weird since you came into the office and your face have been gloomy what wrong?"Jane ask Rosella ,the both of them are in the office canteen having their meal and rosella barely eat

"Hmm, nothing is wrong "rosella said nonchalantly

"Don't give me that bullshit of nothing is wrong , am not a fool neither am I blind something is definitely spill"

"It about what happen at the restaurant"

"What about it"

"Am scared that you are right and that he might actually destroy me"

"I didn't say it for you to feel scared or insecure,I just say it for you to be careful nothing else....... Just let your mind be at ease and I am very sure he had already forgotten so don't get yourself work up for nothing , feel relax and think positive not negative....okay"

"Okay"rosella replied and give her an assuring smile and they went back eating but something was itching rosella inside and she has to voice it out

"Let assume"rosella started dropping her spoon and also making Jane to drop her spoon and giving her full attention to hear whatever she want to say "he finally see me he would destroy me and I am kinda of scared I drag my friend into this and that isn't what the problem , he might make them sent me back to Canada , so what do you think I should do"

" stop assuming"

If you were to be in Jane shoe right now and rosella ask you that question what would have been your reply , be honest please.......once again thank you for reading my book please do not forget to vote and comment 😍😘

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