chapter one

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This is my first story here on Wattpad,u guys might come across grammatical errors. When you come across any of this errors please  notify me. I aren't prefect and also please don't forget to vote or comment😘😍

The plane from Canada to San Francisco has finally arrived.......Bella stood outside the airport patiently waiting for her best friend rosella

"Ha bella!!!" rosella scream as she saw Bella

"rosella!!!!" Bella shouted, the both of them ran into each other as they collided into a crushing bone hug as if their life depends on it

"bel I miss you so much" rosella called Bella by the nickname she gave her pulling away from the hug

"rosy I miss you more"Bella also called rosella by the nickname she gave her

"Nah, I miss you more," rosella said smiling earning a laugh from Bella

"yeah, whatever you say, gosh I miss you, I can't believe you are here with me," Bella said hugging Rosella one last time before taking rosella luggage from her

"come let me help you with this "

"thanks" rosella replied giving Bella her luggage

"why are you thanking me? u are my best friend and what kind of friend I am if I don't help you with this, besides it isn't that heavy, or did u put someone inside," Bella said raising her eyebrows at Rosella.

"haha is that the best u can come up with"rosella laughs

"yah, just joking," Bella said joining Rosella in her laughter

"I know"

"now let get this inside the car and there is a lot of things you have to see and learn about San Francisco and also I promise to be your tour guide, "Bella told Rosella walking toward her car

"can't wait"Rosella giggled walking behind Bella.

putting the luggage in the Booth, Rosella got into the front seat with Bella. Bella sitting on the driver's seat start the car and drove off.....

Bella help rosella with her bag taking it inside her apartment into the room where rosella would be staying, Bella apartment has three rooms each was a master bedroom and each has its bathroom, the apartment was well decorated and with its color and design you can easily tell that it a girl that lives in the house

"wow..."Rosella was in awe when she got inside the apartment "oh my god is this where I would be staying....hmm it smells like home" Rosella said collapsing in the king-size bed" it very comfortable and relaxing just sleeping on this can make you forget all your troubles taking u to wonderland" Rosella said referring to the bed

"Am very happy that u are comfortable.....why don't you freshening up while I go prepare something for u to eat? "Bella said walking toward the door

"Thanks"Rosella said hugging her pillow to her body

"There is no need to thank me ......go take your bath and join me downstairs beside we have a lot of things to talk about"Bella wink at Rosella

"Okay, definitely a lot of things which I can't wait to tell you," rosella said getting up from her comfortable bed walking toward the bathroom door while Bella left Rosella to go prepare something for her

After rosella took her bath she gave herself a tour around the apartment. Bella was inside the kitchen cooking, done with her cooking she called Rosella to come to eat ......when they finish eating their food rosella insisted on washing the plate but Bella refuses, rosella persisted Bella also refuse, rosella gave up and went into the sitting room and was watching a movie on Netflix .....done with the dishes Bella join rosella.

"I am happy that you are here with me, how is everyone at home and how is Rosalyn " Bella called Rosalyn's name with disgust..... Rosalyn is rosella's twin sister. On the hearing of Rosalyn name, rosella face went down

"She did it again right. rosella are you ok .why are u quiet .what happened"Bella ask worried

"Rosalyn happened. like seriously she just doesn't know when to keep it in her pants, I am sick and tired of her, my last boyfriends Rosalyn succeeded in seducing them and we never last a month, all the morons I have dated always foolishly fall for her seduction nature, anytime I confront her she would say, ur boyfriends are the once who can't keep it in their pant and it isn't their fault that I am more beautiful," Rosella said in a rush and mimick Rosalyn voice in her last statement "do u know what I am very happy that I am far away from her. gosh. now no guy would date me just to get my so-called sister attention "rosella added

"I am not surprised cos she has always been a bitch, she and that useless Racheal" Racheal is Rosalyn friend and also Bella cousin

"let just stop talking about them besides their other things to talk about rather than spoil our night together with their names, "Rosella said smiling

"Ok, what do you want us to talk about cause there are a lot of things I want to discuss with you"

"Anything and I can't wait to hear it. So just start from anywhere"Rosella replied, bella only chuckled and told her about her stay in San Francisco and also about her job....later on there started talking about other thing, about their family, friends and about how much there miss each other


This is chapter one I hope u like it. please vote and comment and don't forget to tell me ur thought about the story.....I know that when Bella asks Rosella what happened I make Rosella kind of desperate when she complains about Rosalyn but at least now that she is far from Rosalyn she wouldn't be desperate and now she looks happy that there is no Rosalyn at least that is what she thought for the now..,..... like I said before this is my first story here on Wattpad. My update might be slow but please understand that I am just new here on Wattpad anyway I love u guys already see u until the next update bye😊😚😍

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