chapter twenty-five

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The Rosalyn she was seeing now was a different opposite of the Rosalyn she knew before. Life had really taken a turn on her. Rosella was putting on a worn out white shirt and a black skirt that was fading off it's colours and a scandal.

A Scandal.

Rosella would never had thought that she would see Rosalyn put on a Scandal and the one without a design. Most the shoes Rosalyn wear are heels because scandals was way out of her league and it can't be worn to a party or a working place cause it won't make you look professional and now she she is the one putting on the scandal. Life had really thought her a lesson and she was going to learn from it.

That is if she will?

"Is this what you are wearing " Rosella ask out of curiosity.

Bella chuckled after looking at Rosalyn and what she was wearing .

Rosella only look at Bella for a second before facing Rosalyn waiting for  an answer . she didn't say anything to Bella.

"Hmm, yes this all I could find that look suitable" Rosalyn couldn't look at Rosella cause on her own she was ashamed of herself

"Not that the clothes is bad but it your first day, at least you should look more presentable and the kind of clothes that you put on should be appropriate cause there might also use your dress skills to rate  you"

Rosella said and it was true.

Sometimes people use the way you dress and the way you talk to look at you

"I know but I don't have any. Even back in Canada , I sold all my wears and left with this once"

Rosella then thought for a while

"What about my dress that I gave you to put on for the party "

"It in my room. I forgot to return, I will...."

Rosella cut her short from finishing whatever she wanted to say

"Why don't you but that on" Rosella suggested


"I instead and it look good in you than it did on  me"

"Thank you" she says

"You welcome"

Rosalyn stood up to go change, when Rosella stop her half way

"And you don't have to return the clothe it now yours"


"No but. Since I have add up more weight some of my clothes don't size me. I will give them to you, at least you can wear them to work. I am sure it will look good on you.....oh I almost forgot, heels. Let me give you one of my heels cause I think that scandal doesn't look professional" Rosella stood up

"Thank you so much Rosella"

A tear had all ready drop from her eyes

"You don't have to thank me. For the nth time you have been thanking me. We are sisters and we got each other. You have to go get dress now we are  running late"


"Once you done getting dress your heels will be  here"

Rosella went inside go bring one of her heels for Rosalyn.


When there got to work, during their lunch, Rosella showed Rosalyn around the place. Rosella couldn't show Rosalyn more of the building because she had an appointment with a client who was satisfy with her work and wanted her to do  his, Jane couldn't show Rosalyn around because, she was  also following Rosella.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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