Fifty: The End of the World

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(now, the version i used of candle in the wind last chapter is the one recorder in 1997 as a tribute to princess diana, because i feel like it would be mort fitting than the original 1974? idk, the first version feels too dedicated to marilyn monroe to use for someone else, but we'll let it slide)

and now, one little note: does this chapter jump from one thing to another?


does ella even realize what happens around her?



It seemed like such a treacherous thing, for the world to go on the same as ever. Like nothing changed.

Ella was sure the sky would from above any moment now.

That the sun would swallow up the Earth.

It seemed like the reasnoable thing to happen (why was everything green?), since the world was ending, wasn't it?

Cedric Diggory was not breathing (green made it impossible to breathe).

His chest was no rising, nor was it falling. His eyes were vacant, staring up at the sky, and Ella stared at them, waiting for the falling skies to reflect on the sole thing she could spend eternity looking at.

Why wasn't her heart stopping? 

Why are there cries from around her not revolving around Cedric, but asking forgiveness of their lord?

Why would they all look at Harry Potter, when the most wonderful man on the planet was no longer breathing?

Harry Potter's screams of agony matched her pain, but she couldn't open her mouth-- after Alcestis returns from the dead she cannot speak for three days. Ella's soul was taken from her, along side with Cedric's.

She once heard a fairytale where married couples take their souls and exchange them-- for safe-keeping for all of eternity.

There was a hand on her shoulder, pulling her to stand up, but the ringing in her ears grew louder again and she could hear nothing from the man who (everything was green) killed the one person she grew to believe would never leave her all alone.

Her knees shook but the hand gripped her tight, long and pale and murderous and her father's.

"I heard you all treat my daughter well, and tried to include her in the fun past-time," the Dark Lord's voice was taunting, but it came as white noise to her brain. "I had such high hopes for her, but her mother feared me after years of loving me, hasn't she?" a murmur passed through the death eaters. "So she took her, raised her a pathetic little creature," he released the grip on her robes, and her knees failed her again. "We will make Ella Gaunt a true daughter to the pure blood family, but first..."

He looked at her like a pest, like nothing more than a nuisance. 

"First, we'll deal with the boy."

Ella raised her eyes to look at Harry, who seemed terrified. The tomb behind him says TOM RIDDLE, and she wants to run away, but makes her way to Cedric's side.

Her body falls down to match his, twisting so she would be no more than another part of his dead body, vacant of everything she loved.

Why was the world still moving?

Why would her eyes cry and her heart keep beating?

Why wasn't it ending?

Why was everything green?


"Take my body back to my parents, and take care of Ella," made Harry stagger over to the entangled bodies on the grass, casting a look full of misery in the direction of the silvery solid ghost of his parents.

Ella ○ Harry PotterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon