Four: Carl

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When dinner rolled around, Ella entered the Great Hall, smiling happily. She may have eaten too much cupcakes and brownies and now was high on sugar.

She bounced to the table, eating quickly, then skipped merrily to detention with Professor Lupin.

Lupin yawned, straightening up when he heard a knock on his door, "yeah?" he called out, reckoning it'd be the bubbly Slytherin coming for detention and not anyone else.

"Hi Professor, sir!" she greeted happily, taking a seat and bouncing on it. "I was at Hagrid's and made cupcakes and Brownies, want some?" she offered, taking the small box out of her bag and opening it. Lupin instantly smiled at the scent of chocolate.

"I'd love that," he confessed.

He started eating as the girl carried on with the bouncing. She kept thinking about Buckbeak, and Hagrid, and even Jorgitha. She hoped Jorgitha would forgive her.

"I heard about the whole Hippogriff situation," Lupin finally spoke. Ella looked at him, "is Hagrid okay?"

"No," she replied gloomily. "He's crying all the time, and he is certain they're gonna kill Buckbeak and fire him."

Lupin stayed silent for a moment, swallowing the cupcake he was chewing on. "I'm sure Dumbledore wouldn't allow that, he'd fight for Hagrid," he said quietly.

"Dumbledore is really cool, you know?" Ella mused.

Lupin smiled at her, "yeah, he kind of is," he agreed.

"He's probably cooler than half of this school's students," she nodded. "Like, everyone except for me, I'm the coolest. You're pretty neat too, Professor sir."

"Thank you," he smiled at the compliment.

"The three of us could rock the school," she giggled. "And Jorgitha could be our almost-as-cool sidekick."

"Of course we could."

"Hi Draco!" Pansy Parkinson called when the pale blond boy entered the Slytherin's common room. Ella looked up from the book she was reading- Lupin told her that maybe she could read some Muggle fairytales and do an essay about them so that they would actually do something in detentions. She was finishing off Cinderella.

"Hi," Malfoy greeted, sitting next to the other third years.

"Where were you?" Parkinson questioned, inching closer to the boy. "I was worried."

"At the Hospital Wing," he replied, before giving a short laugh. "I'm gonna get that oaf fired. A bit sad that the stupid Hippogriff would die too," he stated before shrugging. "Either way, it's about time we do something about this stupid school- it's been going--"

Ella stood up abruptly, her knee hitting the table, making everyone turn to her.

"Ow, fuck," she swore. All students turned away, going back to their original activities, which included essays, talking and some snogging and a brilliant sixth year who was trying to nap throwing at everyone who would make a squeak a GET A ROOM paper airplane that flew around honking.

One first year yelped loudly when she accidentally dropped her essay on the floor.

Ella walked out of the Common Room, climbing up the stairs to the seventh floor (it took her about fifteen minutes). At her second year (which was another one in the first year classes) she found a funny room, that would transform at will to whatever she wanted it to.

She called it Carl.

All she had to do was walk three times past the the painting of Barnabas the Barmy's foolish attempt of teaching ballet to trolls and think what exactly you want.

Ella thought hard about a nice dorm with a comfortable bed and furniture, as well as a bathroom, and a closet that would contain her belongings. She doubted that this last one would be granted, but when the door appeared and she opened it, she was surprised to find Carl granted her wish.

She opened the closet, and there were her robes, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, books, and surprisingly enough- her lost shoes.

"Thanks Carl," she chirped happily. She took out the pajama and changed her clothes, braiding her hair and brushing her teeth before plopping down on the bed.

Ella realized she just really wanted a pet, and so, she decided to spend Saturday in the Forbidden Forest, looking for one.

A voice in her head whispered that it was a stupid thing to do, but she didn't mind all that much.

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