Forty Three: Barty

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"Padma, Paravati!" Ella walked over to Harry, Cho and Ron's side, giggling. "Cedric's gone to the bathroom, mind joining me dancing?"

The twins exchanged a look. Padma's gone with Ron, while Paravati ended up with Cormac McLaggen, who was currently in the midst of downing his (at least fifth, by the scattered cups) cup of punch, making a face.

Harry and Cho looked at the twins, who were frowning. Ron wasn't being a good partner, sulking and glaring at Krum and Hermione, and Cormac was a great partner to his friends, who all abandoned their various dates to have their idea of fun.

"Sure!" the two girls grinned, and joined Ella's side. "Potter, Chang, you're very welcome to join as well, and Ron, if you're somewhere in there." Ron never even moved, so Ella shrugged and the group left, Harry throwing a look back at his best friend.

"Milady, can I have this dance?" Fred Weasley twirled right between Padma and Ella, offering a hand to Ella. 

"No, I must insist I get this dance," George said poshly. 

"Guys, guys, I must dance with her!" Lee called dramatically, and she laughed at the trio. 

"Where are your dates?" she wondered, and Fred pointed to where Angelina was speaking with Alicia Spinnet and Katie Bell. "You guys really just went for the Quidditch team."

"That we did," Fred admitted, placing an arm around Ella's shoulder. "But don't I make a better couple with Angelina than Lee does?"

"Hey, you know the only reason I wanted to the take her over Alicia is--" Lee started, only to be silenced by George, who pointed behind them, where Padma and Paravati were scowling. "Hey girls, looking really good. Amazing dress-robes, based off of saris?"

"No, Lee, please, go on. Why do you prefer Angelina over Alicia?"

"Her intellact is more focused on..." Lee paused for a moment, Padma and Paravati nodding earnestly. "You know, like, charms."

"Guys, come on, let's dance!" Ella spoke suddenly, clapping her hands together. She grabbed Lee's hand and pulled him up to dance. Harry and Cho were the first to join them there, and they spotted Krum and Hermione, joining them to dance. Fred and George offered Padma and Paravati each to join them in the dance, and the song was over far too soon for the laughing group's liking.

"Why don't we get Barty to join us?" Ella asked, looking around for him. She couldn't spot him anywhere, and cold panic traveled over her whole body. "Has anyone seen Barty?" she whispered, her voice not working properly. "Where's Percy?" she suddenly spotted Percy speaking passionately to Bagman, and she took off before Lee could even understand what she muttered.

"Grey?" he questioned, and she nodded awkwardly at Ludo Bagman, before she grabbed Percy's hands.

"Where's Barty?"

"You mean Mr. Crouch," Percy corrected. Ella nodded hurriedly, and Percy nodded. "I've seen him a moment ago, talking to Moody." His eyes roamed around the hall, "They must've gone somewhere. Huh, Karkaroff has gone too," he shrugged. "I'm in the middle of important matters, Grey, if you could please--"

"Congratulaions for your engagement!" Bagman grabbed her hand, shaking it happily. "You and Diggory's been together long?"

"Err, a year, actually."

"Oh, quite soon, quite soon," Bagman nodded. "I'm sure--"

"And here is my lovely future-husband coming here," Ella stated hurriedly as Cedric re-entered the hall, "I'll go dance with him. Cheers, guys," she waved, hurrying off.

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