Thirty Six: Snape as a Human

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"WHAT THE FUCK!" Ella called out, jumping away in an attempt to dodge the dragon's tail. 

The creature raised its head, and roared loudly, flames scorching the area around them. "What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck." Ella tried to breathe properly.

Here she though the manticore was quite enough dangerous with its deadly tale, but that thing-- a lion's head that was shooting fire, a body reminding of a goat, and what could not be mistaken as anything but a dragon tail-- it was trying to kill her!

A manticore was classified as a XXXXX beast, and she had no doubt this creature was just as dangerous. 

It roared again, but there was a mixed howl of pain there, and Ella finally spotted the source of the blood she previously found. Her bag was still with her, and she hurriedly took out a sandwich that had-- she sighed, bacon and jam. Dobby liked weird combinations-- and threw it towards the beast, who sniffed it tentatively.

It roared, but ate it in hasty bites, and Ella held her wand tightly. 

"Here goes nothing," she whispered, pointing her wand at the beast. "Episkey!" The creature roared in surprise, and slight pain, but was quick on its feet again, sending another blast of fire in her direction; she squealed and dodged.

"What the fuck," she repeated, and the beast collapsed with a horrible wail. It blinked its white eyes at Ella, and she suddenly realised what it was. "You're the Chimaera Kettleburn brought from Greece a few years back and lost," she told it.

The Chimaera wailed miserably again, and Ella stepped closer, her hands raised up.

The Chimaera closed its eyes in submission, and Ella crouched down next to its lion's head, stroking it gently. There were scratch marks on its torso, and she touched the area which was previously hurt and she healed. 

"What could have hurt you like this?" she wondered, stroking gently. "You're classified as very dangerous, so I doubt something could hurt you easily... Something... venomous?" she wondered, trying to think of what in the area could hurt him.  "Not the spiders,  but... DOBBY!" she called out, and within a moment the house-elf appeared.

"Ms. Ella!" he called in relief, before he saw the chimaera. "Oh, no, I--"

"Dobby, everything is fine! But please get Madam Pomfrey, and tell her to bring an antidote to the manticore's venom!" Dobby turned big eyes to Ella, but nodded, disappearing. "It's okay," she assured the chimaera, who was breathing slowly. "Everything will be okay."


"Grey," Snape called her name from a safe distance, and she turned her eyes away from the chimaera. 

"Hi Sev," she said softly.

"Grey, you're way out of bounds, in the presence of a dangrous beast." He warned, "stand up slowly, and retreat," he instructed, but she shook her head, and her eyes landed on Dumbledore, who was stood before Dobby and Madam Pomfrey. Hagrid was standing by his side, and he was the only one to catch on. 

"Ms. Grey, are you safe?" Dumbledore questioned.

"Madam Pomfrey, please," she told the woman. "Please, help him," she said. "You can't let him-" she was suddenly choked by a sob. "Don't let him die."

"Ella," Hagrid spoke softly. "Ella, he's not--"

"He's okay!" Ella assured him. "Come on, Hagrid, come closer. You've always wanted to meet a chimaera, didn't you?" Hagrid sighed, nodding and stepping closer.

"What--" Snape started as Hagrid sat down.

The chimaera opened white eyes, just barely, blinking. "Mr. Chimaera, this is Hagrid," Ella said through tears. "He's the one that found your hoof-prints. He's the best person I know, and he's great with any creature. The two of us will make sure you'll be fine."

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