Fifty Nine: Kentucky Fried Brain

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hey yall

so apparently i started writing this chapter when I:

dropped out of uni and positive for covid, blaze ittttt. so anyway yeah im back for a lil

which was at December lolllllls

anyway guess imma try ending it now- bit filler-y


"Summer sure did fly by," Sirius commented casually one night. Ella raised her glance, and she realized her best friend was wearing her pajama pants (fuzzy and soft and care-bears hugging each other, yet barely covering past his knees) and putting various clothing articles in a suitcase.

"Why are you packing?"

"Ella," Sirius looked at her in shock. "You're literally boarding the Hogwarts Express in five hours."

She frowned, before laughing. "Yeah okay."

"Ells, I mean it," he pointed out, raising his wand. Within a moment it showed in golden letters the date and time- September First, 02:52 a.m. "You've missed a very interesting supper, but I didn't think you're that focused on..." He looked at the various pages scattered around her, and at the portrait of John Dee, and then sighed. He walked over to her side, and sat down by her side. "Dee-Talbot." 

"I'm not sure it was a good idea," Elle rubbed her face repeatedly. 

"It was... a big idea," Sirius admitted. "It's something that's never been done before, and I'm surprised the ministry and Dumbledore are okay with it, but... We're doing it together El, and we'll rock it, and everyone will be shocked."

"Together, right?" Ella smiled and offered her pinky finger. Sirius curled his own around hers, and smiled back.

"Yeah, babe. Dee-Talbot is gonna rock that fucking school."


"Why is there a seahorse on your uniform?" Harry questioned Ella. He looked at Sirius who was wearing a suit, and frowned. "And why are you dressed up like a human-being?"

"We've got a thing," Ella announced as the two walked down the stairs. "I could come to the ministry with you," she continued the chat from a moment before. 

"I guess you could, but then you'll miss the train ride. It's fun, isn't it?"

"No," Fred and George replied for her. "Can we join you two?" Fred questioned.

"We've got no idea what you're doing, but we're in," George added. 

"Sure, come join us," Sirius said. Molly's eyes burned a hole in their skulls, and Ella cleared her throat uncomfortably. "If your parents are okay with it, of course."

The four turned with very unconvincing angelic grins to the sole monarch, and she sighed. "Sure, just behave yourselves."

Ron choked on his breakfast, unaware of the option to travel with Sirius and Ella.

"Can I go too?" he shot up, but Hermione smacked his head lightly.

"You're a prefect! You must travel via train." she lectured, and he frowned.

"You're a prefect," he repeated in a high pitched tone and a sour face, "you must travel via train, blah blah. Honestly woman, those two are doing something cool- why deny me of it?"

"Ronald, listen to Hermione, Merlin knows she's got the one functioning brain cell out of the three of you," Ella lectured, and he gaped at her.

"Ella, that's rude," Molly pointed out with a hint of a smile tugging at her lips.

"Well, I'm not a prefect, Sirius, can I come?"

"No Harry, you can't," Molly cut in, "what if you'll be late?"

"Fred, George and Ella are going too."

"Yes but they will be with Sirius."

"Well, he's my Godfather," Harry pointed out, but Sirius shook his head.

"No, sorry Harry. Fred and George are part of the gang, it's fine if they're late- you can't be late. Better to be near Dumbledore. Besides, if something goes wrong, I can protect only so many people, and you're the biggest target."

"Also we're gonna be drinking." Fred mumbled.

"What?" Molly questioned, barely hearing what her son said.

"I said we're gonna be graduating this year," he shrugged.

"Yeah, can't do too much to us, we've got our OWLs already, you've got all the exams ahead of you."

"You two are looking to get expelled!" Molly huffed. "That's a shame, because Sirius is-"

"Leaving!" he announced, before the woman could ruin the surprise.

"Bye!" Ella threw pink sparkles up, and before anyone said another word, a loud crack filled the house- and the four were gone.


When they entered the Great Hall, they looked around in glee-

The Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor and Slytherin tables were all in place, but there was a fifth table, decorated with a pink table map, and a large banner of a sea horse was hanging down from the ceiling.

What Ella always prayed for, finally, right in front of her.

A sanctuary.

Sirius and her exchanged a glance and he placed an arm around her shoulders. "We've done it, my friend."

"Congratulations, Advisor."

"Thank you, babes. Fred, George, get down to it," Ella grinned at Sirius' bossy attitude, and the twins grinned. 

"That's gonna be dope."

"How come?"

"Because," and for once, they were serious, "you'll offer real peace to students that can't find themselves anywhere else. You're not offering another house, you're offering a place that will embrace them for the teenagers they are, lost and confused and unsure of what they want and need."

"If this works- You'll be preventing new students from wandering around the halls alone, because they'll have someone from another house who feels just as lost, or offer them a safe place to speak with other people."

"In the name of Dee-Talbot," Fred laughed. "You'll help those who don't want serious careers, or just want to control their powers and then pursue muggle careers- I heard you speaking to the minister, Sirius, and it was inspiring, really."

"You're making Hogwarts a home to those who don't have a home here."

"Fetch." Ella grinned.

"Stop tryna make fetch happen," Sirius huffed, smacking her head.

"Guess Imma drop dead then, pfft."

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