Fifty Eight: Forty Five Hours and Vodka

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Sirius looked up from the book Ella told him to read, "L'homme Revolte," he mumbled, throwing it down on his bed. "You know, just because you can speak French and I still remember some, it does not mean you must make me read books in French. Especially ones as complex."

"I love Camus," Ella shrugged, as though it was a proper explanation, placing the newspaper down. The Daily Prophet once again spoke about her, lighting her as an unfortunate girl who lost her fiancé, her mother, her step-father, and her sanity- all within the span of a mere month. Dumbledore was dismissed as a crazy old man, and Potter as an attention seeking boy who could not properly deal with the horrors of the maze- but she? She was painted as the poor sweetheart of the wizarding world.

No one to know she was the daughter of the most wicked man to walk this land.

"I don't," Sirius shrugged. "Let's go down and see your letter?"

"Sure," Ella sighed, as the photo of her and Cedric laughed happily from the newspaper, taunting her. Their happiness was framed forever, and her existence now was riddled with loneliness. Sirius stepped on her mattress, before hopping to the floor, and she followed him as he exited the room. 

All of the Hogwarts students were in Harry and Ron's room, and they were discussing something that made Ron's cheeks red.

"What's up y'all?" Sirius wondered.

"Y'all?" Ella echoed.

"Y'all. I'm a cool kid, yeah," Sirius informed. Ella laughed, and he rolled his eyes. "Shut up. What's going on?"

"Ickle Ronnie is a prefect," Fred snickered. 

"So... Ron and Hermione?" Ella questioned. "Not Harry?" 

The group shrugged, Ginny glancing at Harry. "We're confused too, but I guess Ron's got what it takes. Did you get the letter?"

"No, we were going down to see what's on there," Ella informed. Fred and George exchanged a look, and Ella raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Just, we went down to bring the letters to everyone, and yours wasn't there. We figured it was sent to your room."

Ella and Sirius looked at each other in silence, before he frowned. "You think it means what we think it means?"

"Only one way to know."

"We're going down to get drunk at Hogsmeade tonight!"

"YES!" Ella cheered. She watched the group, clearing her throat. "Only after discussing something with Dumbledore, of course."

"Of course." Hermione repeated, eyes narrowed. 

"Get Aberforth and the goats all ready, because we're gonna stay up all night!"


Sirius slid onto the living room, his socks charmed to be as slippery as possible, and right after him Ella was attempting to stay standing.

The duo had not slept in forty five hours, and they finished a bottle of vodka over that time-frame, but their party was far from an end, because Ella achieved her (ridiculous) goal.

"You are the dancing queen," Sirius sang into a spoon he held as a microphone, dedicating it to his deformed image. "Hot and sleek only in your thirties!"

"I'm not a good skater," Ella squealed in fright as she stumbled around on her slippery socks. Fred and George watched the two from the safe sofa, and took notes. The idea was Ella's, but the twins figured it could be a good product in their shop- charmed socks.

"You're not good at anything," Fred told her as he scribbled something down, the same moment George said, "You're brilliant at anything."

"I know I am," she replied to both, and it somehow made total sense. Sirius nodded, and slid over the floor perfectly as he twirled around in grace.

"This man is beauty, this man is grace, this man once pissed his pants," Remus informed as he entered the living room with a bag over his shoulder, and a tired look on his face. It was the night before the full moon and he was feeling on edge.

"ONCE!" Sirius shot a mean glance at a snickering Ella. "I bet you did it more."

"I do not pee at all," she said with a straight face, before she lost balance on her socks. "Help!" she squealed before going down, and Sirius grabbed her hand, only to be pulled down along with her.

"So what did you two celebrate at Hogsmeade?" Remus wondered as he sat down next to Fred, making Sirius and Ella exchange a look. They were both sitting on the floor and grinning wide.

"We must not tell," Ella assured.

"It's top-secret." Sirius explained. "You'll get it when the year begins."

"I suppose it's gonna be on the news, too," Ella grinned happily. "Yes, absolutely brilliant."

"You are," Sirius assured, standing up. Ella followed suit, uncertain and scared of slipping again. "I'm still surprised he's letting you do it."

"I'm the wizarding world's sweetheart now, gotta take advantage of it while I can."

"Yeah, anytime now everyone will see you're a creepy bitch like your--" while Ella and Sirius were about to joke about her blood-related creeps, Remus realized it was not really a good idea and chucked a pillow at his childhood friend. "OW!"

"Shut up for once, you two," he sighed. "I feel like I'm still fifteen with you two."

"Yeah? Wanna lose your virginity again?"


"Run! A furious Remus is at our tracks!" The duo seemed to have forgotten they were on slippery socks as they attempted to run away from Remus, who just stood up.

Sirius managed to save himself, but Ella fell down. Sirius turned to help his closest friend, but the two saw Remus was just a step away from her. 

Brown eyes met gray eyes, and he attempted to reach out to her, but she shook her head, tears slipping from her eyes. "Go on, Padfoot. Save yourself, I'll hold him back."

"No!" he called out. "No, please, Ella, you can make it!"

"No, let me save you, I've lived my life. You must go on," Sirius nodded, a tear escaping his eye. "Don't forget our promise."

"I could never," he assured, and then skated away on socks. "I'll never forget you, Mini-Prongs!"

"You two are just two drama queens that give each other validation," Remus sighed, hitting Ella with a pillow. 

"Remember you used to be my teacher and couldn't abuse me?"

"No," he ignored her, hitting her again with a pillow. 

"GRANT ME SANCTUARY!" Ella called out rather dramatically, and was hit right in the face with a pillow next, "okay, yeah, fine, do whatever you need. I like it rough anyway."

"Ella," George sighed.

"What?" She giggled, "I'm a Scorpio."

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