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-At Lexie's driveway-

Waving bye to my dad who just dropped me off at Lexie's, I immediately became really nervous. I rang the doorbell and was greeted by a tall lady around her mid 30s.

"Hello there, you must be Kylie,"she said.

"Yes ma'am," I politely answered as she gesture me to come in.

"You can call me Mrs. Brooks...I see you brought pizza you didn't have to do that dear," she said as she took it.

"Well I didn't want to trouble you. I know how hardworking parents can be," I simply say. I heard loud steps as soon as I came in.
Lexie came down the stairs and smiled when she saw me.

"Hey," she said shyly.

"Hey," I smiled making her mom,I think laugh quietly. She leaves us alone as she takes the pizza box to the kitchen.

"Cool house," I say breaking the awkward silence.

"Thanks, let's go to my room to do the project," she says taking my hand leading me to her room. I place my green bag down and took off my coat. I sat down quietly as we look at each other.

"I like your room by the way," I say still very nervous.

"Are you always this shy," she asked trying to make me less nervous.

"Only to cute girls," I say making her blush. We later start on the project until we heard a couple knocks on her door.

"Lex, time for dinner," a girl around 16 say when Lexie opened the door. I got up and followed her to their dining room. I saw what appears to be the rest of the family.

"Thank you for having me," I say as they greet me. After finding out who's who, I sat beside in front of Lexie and beside her sister, Taylor.

"So Kylie tell us about yourself," Mr. Brooks say cutting his food on his plate.

"Well what would you like to know sir," I ask.

"What do you like to do," asked Mrs. Brooks asks.

"I like to play sports and read books," I answered her politely.

"What kind of sports?" Taylor asked interested in the topic.

"Mainly basketball and sometimes soccer." I say as I continued to eat the rest if my dinner. After a while they ask me if I would like to sleepover.

"I would but I have to ask my parents first," I say as Mr. Brooks nods.

"You can ask them now," he says as I excused myself to use my phone. My mom picks up the home phone. I told her about the sleepover and she said yes. She also said she'll bring me clothes to wear as well. I ended the call placing my phone back in my pocket. Walking back I heard the family talking about me.

"I think she's very kind and she's very pretty for someone her age." Probably Mrs. Brooks said which made me smile.

"Don't you agree Lexie?" Mr. Brooks most likely agreed with his wife.

"Yeah-" I sorta came in and they saw me.

"Sorry did I disturb a conversation," I say awakwardly.

"Not at all so are going to stay," Lexie's mom say.

"Yes ma'am," Lexie smiles making Taylor smirk which made their parents look at each other sending subtle messages.

"Um," I say clearing my throat confused.

"So are you single Kylie," Taylor say looking at her younger sister.

"Sadly, no. I do have someone in mind but I'm just too shy to make a move," I say honestly making Taylor nod. After dinner we went to watch a moive. It was called GBF and was about how a closet gay becoming a popular figure in his high school. I like the movie since I can relate to the main character named Tanner.

When the movie ended I went to change into my pajamas. I went to the bathroom to change in to a loose shirt and one of my basketball shorts. When I went back to Lexie's room I heard Taylor and her talking. I knock on the door telling them I'm about to come in. Taylor gestures for me to come in and I sat on the beanbag near her bookshelf.

"Story time little girls," Taylor says smiling evilly at Lexie who is panicking knowing the stories will be about her.

"So last summer we went to the beach. My sister was wearing a bikini and she looked hot in it too," Taylor narrates as Lexie blushes.

"Can you not Tay," she pouts and I smile.

"Anyways, some boys around her age starts to check her out," Taylor continues telling the rest of the story. Basically guys checked her out and they horribly flirted with her. Her dad saw this wrapping a towel around her as he yelled to the boys to stay away from her.

After a couple of more stories later, we got sleepy. "Hey where am I gonna sleep," Lexie pats the other side of the bed when she got under her blanket. I blushed as I slowly got in the bed with her. My breathing got uneven and my heart starts to race as I notice I was only inches away from her face.

"Kai breathe," she giggles at my uneasiness. I gulped and attempt to do as she just told me. Failing to do so I close my eyes and turned the other way.

"Good to know I have that effect on you Kai," she says making my cheek grow warm. "Night."

"Y-yeah night L-lexie," I stuttered hoping to fall asleep before I loose the rest of my air.

"Sweet dreams about me," she whispers to my ear hearing her laugh quietly. Lord I need strength right now. Where did this confidence come from she was quiet when we were near her family.


I woke up before Lexie and I went to use the bathroom. Taylor comes out with a towel around her making my instantly blush.

"Ooh you're lucky I have a wrapped towel on," she says after I made her jump.

"S-sorry," I apologized as she walks out the bathroom.

"About what?" She winks going to her room. I guess she forgives me forgetting that I almost saw her nude. I went back to Lexie's room seeing that she just woke up.

"Morning Lexie," I say with my morning voice. She stretches while rubbing her eyes as she got out of bed.

"Hey Kai," she slips her slippers on and shuffles it going to the door following her. I can smell bacon and pancakes from the stairs and I get excited.

"'Bout time you come in did you two sleep well," Taylor asked smirking. Their parents were busy with their business as Lexie hits her sister for the joke. I crack up as I serve as myself to some pancakes.

"So after breakfast we'll drop you off are done with the project,"Mrs. Brooks said as she finishes her meal on her plate. We nodded as we finish up the meal. I packed my things up to go home. I sat beside Lexie in the back as her dad drives dropping me off. I wave good bye as they drive off my driveway.


I went with Luke to his soccer practice since I was bored and just want to walk around. There's also a park and playground nearby so I just strolled down the trail just to get some exercise on. I plugged my earphones on listening to my iTunes radio on. I smiled when I heard a song from 5th Harmony's new album, 'Reflection.' I really like their music to be honest. In the middle of the song I was hit with a basketball in the head. Bruh 'it hit me like a sledgehammer.' That hurts (exaggerated fake crying). I got up with the help with someone.

"Kai you okay," a girl says but I can't really see her my vision is still trying to clear up. After I blinked multiple times I was back to normal. I saw Kendall laughs in relief and I smiled back.

"Yeah! An over pumped basketball to the head is nothing to me," I retorted.

"So...no basketball?"

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