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"What do you mean no? It's not fair dad!"

"Ah you didn't let me finish," he clears his throat. "I know Kylie is a great kid. She's a keeper I tell you that."


"If you want her so bad why aren't you texting her," Taylor says rolling her eyes.

"I'll get her," mom says getting up.

"Did you all plan this?"

"Yeah, long story," dad chuckles.

Mom comes back and Kylie is soaking wet. She is shivering and her clothes are wet.

"Th-thanks for the towel, Mrs. Brook. Sir, what happened?" She says getting dry.

"You have my permission to date her now, but if you hurt my little girl...I will go to my safe and get my loaded arms to hunt you down."

"Alright sir," Santiago gulps nervously. After a while, Santiago leaves to go home. I kissed her 'goodnight' so she can stop rambling causing her to be cute.


"Shut up Tay!"

"Does she have a relative that's single?"

"How am I suppose to know I haven't met her family-"


"Aren't you suppose to be doing something for school?"

"No, I'm already done."

"Yeah...I need to hook you up."

|Kylie's Pov|

I get home and everyone was watching a movie. I turn to go to my room to change to some pjs. I took off of my boyfriend jeans...haha boyfriend though. I continue to change into some Mickey Mouse pj pants and a gray loose t-shirt that says the number 94 in huge print. I run downstairs and watch BoxTrolls with my little brother. My parents are sleeping and I know they are tired.
We are going to the mall because I need new pants since I outgrew a lot of them. I was texting non-stop with my 'wifey' and I am starting to get dizzy. I occasionally get motion sickness during long travels.

"Wifey I gotta go I feel dizzy," I typed.

"Aww just lay your head down for a bit I gotta go do my chores now," she replies. I comply and used my hoodie as a pillow and placed it against the door closing my eyes.
"Kylie! Wake up!" I heard yelling and I jumped. I observed that we arrived and I get off the car. As I walk in, I was greeted by the smell of pretzels. My dad gets our order and we devour it. My parents and my brother goes from store to store and I went to the lounge to play on my phone like I always do.
Time passes by and I'm getting bored. I look up and see this small crowd of girls looking at me. I shrugged it off and one of them sneezed.

"Bless you!" I yelled as I continue to look down. I subtly look up and one of them approaches me.

"I'll be back," I hear her say. I got a feeling this is based of a movie. She walk towards me like she's on a runway. When she is about 1 foot away from me she clears her throat.

"Oh my god! I'm like a huge fan!" I look up and smiled.

"Thanks! Wanna sit down?"

"Sure...wait you got something on your shoulder." She then puts her hand on my shoulder. She starts to brush whatever was on my shirt, but she squeezed it at the end.

"Have you been working out," she gasped.

"Kinda," I smiled. "You're the first to notice." She continues to rub my shoulders. I start to moan in pleasure.

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