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At the age of 7 my world changed from that little girl who loves dolls to that girl who wishes she was a boy. As I grew older, I found out I wasn't alone and wasn't going completely insane. However, I must confess that from time to time I am especially for those alluring, cute girls I tend to meet. As of right now, I'm still fast asleep probably dreaming about something random.

My alarm blasted loudly disturbing my sensational slumber. I groan as I get up slamming the snooze button. I sigh contently, but after had 9 minutes passed, it wakes me up once again. This time I attempted to ignore how annoying it is. After a while of complete irritation, I unplugged that gruesome device. I lazily rolled out of my bed. MONDAY, even though I am not very fond of the day, I might as well live it. Sadly...

After breakfast, I pack up my stuff to go to school. I would occasionally like it for the fun of learning, but never really the social standards. You see I'm a closet gay, I haven't come out the closet except to my group of friends who were very supportive.

I sat down on my couch while listening to some music as I wait for my cousin to finish eating his breakfast. I tapped the play button and sat back on my couch. About 10 minutes later, I hear my cousin yelling.

"Kai! Time to go!" Luke yells as he opens the front door.

"Coming," I get up carrying my binder to the door. I lock our front door and hopping into Luke's car. Since it was cold, my uncle is gonna drive us to school. Luke and I are in the 8th grade at Chester Junior High. The school is alright the food is at least edible...I think.

Every day it's the same thing; you go to class, do the work and if your lucky you can get some time to get on your phone.

I'm very quiet when it comes to being around people. Kinda antisocial sometimes my friends would say. I didn't mind I have nothing else to do.

Walking in the building after thanking my uncle I realized I forgot about that testing thing going on. I accidentally sorta stayed up too long reading and playing on my phone.

I yawned loudly as soon as I got to my desk. I laid my head down, but I was soon disrupted by a squeal.
"Not again," I say to myself. "I'm trying to nap here."

You see my friend, Kathy is being followed by a guy named Darren. He is kinda desperate for someone, even though Kathy is in a relationship with a very cool guy named Luis. In all honesty, he is the only one I like to be with Kathy. The others just wanted Kathy because you know she's smart and attractive. Also the others forget my name. My other friend Nikki, came to help Kathy by giving Darren some mild threats.

"Dude, she's not interested in you. You're lucky her boyfriend isn't here," Nikki yells pushing him away from her best friend. I would help, but I don't wanna interfere with Nikki when she's pissed. She can fight since her dad is a heavyweight boxer. Unlike me I'm more of a peacemaker which also mean that I'm very often very nice. So no fighting for me.

In our home room, we are taking a math state test which I did okay in from what I was dealing with. After we finished it, the guidance counselor came in with a new student. I hear a couple of whispers when he walks in from behind her.

"Wonder where's he's from?" "What's his name?" "Is he single?" I have no idea, but the last cracked me up. Ms. Chase placed him in the empty seat next to me.

"I'm Michael, but you can call me Mikey," I look up from my phone and have him a decent smile.

"I'm Kylie, welcome to Chester," I say shaking his hand. "Oh yeah, let me see your schedule so I can you know guide you." He gives me a freshly printed out paper showing his classes. Alright he's a smart guy according to these all honors classes.

"Alright, Mikey seems I get to do the honors on giving you a tour of the school. You have the exact same schedule as me so if you any questions just ask away."

"Are you like serious Kai? Since when you become so confident?" Emma says with crossed arms.

"Since I was asked to show Mikey here around," I retorted making her glare at me. I playfully punch her making her smile. She loves to mess with me and that grin fades as he checks Mikey out.

"So new kid, where you from?" She has serious look at her face making him nervous.

"New Jersey," I try not to laugh at his condition or it will ruin it.

"Got any lunch money," she asked and he immediately took it out. She puts her hands up and chuckled.

"Dude, chill I was just messing I don't want your money," she informed as he sighed in relief.

"Well, you got to have pens in almost every class especially in reading and science," I say as he checks his case. He nods at me as he shows me his blue pen.

At the end of the lesson, Ms. Chase gave us the rest of the 10 minutes we have left of home room to just do whatever as long it's quiet. Mikey asked couple of questions and I responded with the best of my knowledge. His last question got me though.

"Who's that," he asks pointing to Gabby.

"Ha! It's only your first day and you already crushing," I laughed and tried to stop but failed miserably attempting to catch my breath. "Okay-okay. That's Gabrielle, she's pretty cool for a girl. You should wave hi to her."

"I don't know-" I cut him mid sentence.

"Gabby!" I swiftly looked away as I told Mikey to wave. I turn back seeing that Gabby waved back smiling. Mikey looks down nervously.

"Good job Mikes," I say as I patted him back.

"Could've just told me her name," Mikey says.

"But where the fun in that and you're welcome," I smirked.

"Yeah thanks..." He fixes his things and then the bell rings. I introduced Mikey to the teachers making Mrs. Taeta look pissed. Another new student.

"Yeah, we had a couple of new students recently she's just kinda...that."

"Okay then."

"Yeah I'll help you find a seat." Mikey follows me to a desk in a now completed group. "Also make her smile and laugh that can change her mind about you being new and all."

"I'll try my hardest." Mikey sat in the other side of the room. Nikki sits beside me and sometimes it gets annoying. In all honestly she's a complete tease. Acting all cute just to mess with me. I'm like an easy target since I won't do anything.

Nikki has a thing for the guy in seat in front of her. His name is Ashton, one of Luke's friends. He has dark hair with a spread out amount of brown highlights. Ashton has a sense of humor that Nikki adores. Nikki has a bright smile that can make my day when I am feeling down after a long day and when ever they are together that smile gets bigger.

I would try to hook them up, but Ashton just got out of a relationships a couple of weeks ago and I don't wanna rush him. He's not the same since his now ex girlfriend made assumptions about their relationship. But I don't blame her, Ashton is so kind towards Nikki and that makes her happy.

"They look cute together though," Kathy says as she eats her chocolate. I look up around and notice what she was talking about. After eating we went to Mr. Carter's office to help him because for some reason us smart kids get work done quick. I walk in and to my surprise I saw the unexpected: Nikki and Ashton kissing. Well I guess they don't need my help.

"Ms. Reyes and Mr. Garcia!" I say in a deep voice that made them jump.

"Kai!" Nikki yells as I laugh. Ashton just smirks and winks at Nikki.

"Ah Nik got her first kiss," I teased.

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