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"Ugh fine," I say walking to the court. "This don't mean I forgive you."

"Of course," I play 1 on 1 with her till a couple of guys approached us. Kendall looks uncomfortable while I just ignored them.

"Hey Kendall why won't you talk to me anymore?" Aso (dog) number one said. Kendall stops playing and looks at the guys' direction.

"What do you want Josh?" Now Aso1 got a name. I respectfully just stand their listening seeing where this is going.

"Come on you know you still want me," I heard her laugh. I awkwardly stand there with the basketball dribbling it.

"Oh please, what makes you think that I want your desperate thirsty self," she sasses. The guy with Josh and I laugh in the background.

"Oh you will pay for that," he threaten her. I knew she wasn't interested at all because she likes girls now and I was getting annoyed with Josh.

"How exactly," I asked interrupting them.

"Who are you exactly," he asked as he comes a little closer to me.

"Her girlfriend," I say trying my best to make it believable. He laughs and catches his breath when he was done.

"Prove it," he says with his arms crossed and I did. I leaned over kissing Kendall and added a little tongue just to seal the deal. Both guys' mouths were opened in total surprise.

"So hot,"the other guy said snapping back to reality. Josh stood there dumbfounded and couldn't speak. He ran away and his sidekick gave us a thumbs up and waved bye following Josh. Kendall looks at me and smiled.

"Th-thanks...Kai, why'd you kiss me?"

"I don't really know but I guess he needs to know that you swing that way," I shrugged my shoulders like it wasn't much of a big deal.

"You're weird Kylie," she playfully punched me as we continued our game. After a while I let her win since she was about to go home. I wave bye and went to the soccer field to find my cousin. I saw him hanging out with his team and they were just finishing up their practice. I sat in the bleachers and watched.

"Kai! Come on I want you to meet my friend," I look up from my phone and saw Luke waving me to come down. I jogged towards him and his friend. Luke introduce us to each other.

"You are very pretty," he exclaims.

"Thanks," I say kindly accepting the compliment.

"Before anything else I'm gay just to put it out there," he says with a serious face an I smiled.

"Same," I say and we both start to know him a bit. He has a boyfriend and is proud to be with him openly. I admire that and I wish I was like that.

We went home and ate our dinner together since we prepared a lot today. Luke and I were stuffed after eating the mash potatoes, Mac and cheese, pork chops and spaghetti. Both our families starts to watch a movie called 'Let's be cops', and boy was I excited. Throughout the movie I was laughing, they're hilarious.
I went to bed and I receive a lot of notifications. Most of them were from the group chat in Hangouts, kik and wattpad. I check my wattpad and I just earned a new follower. I did a little happy dance earning a confused look from my family. I check my kik knowing that Nikki or Kathy sent me something and they did. They took a selfie when they went to the movies together earlier. I would've came but I was at Lexie's and at the park. Lastly I checked my Hangouts and as predicted I'm in a group chat.

Right now my phone has a party from the constant amount of messages I get. After a minute my message finally got sent.


Kendall,Carlos,Lucy, and several others blew my phone up. I got a private message from Kendall and I gave her a waving emoji. I get another group chat with 4 other people. Carlos,Kendall,Sky, and Lucy are there with me.

C-hey let's play 'would you rather'
M-count me in
C-okay would u rather prank your principal or your teacher
K&S- teacher
K-my turn would you rather be a cat or a dog.
The games goes on till most of us got bored and fell asleep. Kendall was still hyper at...1:23am...isn't she suppose to asleep? Since I'm such a 'night owl' I stay up with her. I was video chatting with her and she didn't show no sign of tiredness. I on the other hand was dozing off a bit.

"I find that very cute Kai, are you sure you don't wanna sleep right now?"

"No, I must keep you company." I was yawning crazily and took a while to say that sentence. She giggles and she knows I'm like this.

"So you want to do an all nighter with me," she says as I yawn once again.

"Sure," I blink my eyes wiping the tear from the yawn I made. We played truth and dare. Kendall knows that this is one of the best times to ask truth because I'm very honest at early in the morning.

"Kai truth or dare."

"Truth," I say very sleepily. She thinks a bit and her face light up a bit.

"Do you like anyone?" Of course she will ask this and I try to avoid it. I close my eyes and try to doze off.

"I can tell you are trying to avoid my question," she laughs.

"Yes," I say and she looks smug. I continue to stall as my eyes become very heavy and I slept on the spot.

I wake up from a small beep and saw that Kendall sent me a message.

'Night Kai sweet dreams," I smile dozing back to sleep.

I get up a minute early than my alarm clock. I get up turning it off giving myself about half an hour of more sleep. My phone alarm blares a chiming sound making me jolt up making myself some breakfast. Luke will we be coming in 15 minutes and I still need to shower. I swiftly ate my breakfast and stripped out my pjs and showered as I brushed my teeth. I wrap a towel around me and dried my hair as I put some of my regular clothes on. Just as my clock says 8:45, I was ready. I hear footsteps and saw that Luke was still in his sleep wear.

"Snow day," at that moment I was both happy for no school and pissed that I woke up early.

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