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So I'm at Nikki's house for the science project. When I got there it got really awkward. Her dad seems sorta drunk. Her mom finds out I came when she saw me and the sister was watching a tv show.

We finished most of the research on hybrid animals. The one that fascinated us the most was the liger. When we were done I brought up what happened yesterday.

"I do appreciate you standing up for me even though you beat a lot of blood out them ," I say making her laugh. Through out the rest of the day I was forced to watch some very attractive girls in the internet. At the end I had to go since it was late. My dad picked me up and politely thanked Nikki's family for me to stay.

---couple weeks later at school----

"Hey if they come back and mess with you. I'm joining Nicki at detention." Luke says when I told him I didn't feel like going to school knowing that the people who bullied me were back. When he said that I got more motivation to come to school the next day.

"Hey I wanna say that I'm sorry for calling you names. My mom grounded me for doing so. I just never experienced having someone like you around."

"It's all good. No one died."

"We cool?"

"Yeah we cool."

"See you around then." I smiled as

I came to the door and no one was messing with me negatively. Kathy came in and told me something about something she read.

'What everyone needs is a gbf or Gay Best friend." I read on an article on her phone and she was starting to jump up and down.

"Well it says that gays are great with giving advise and they have good company," she says which is true in my opinion. I gave some advise to Nikki about how Ashton is still figuring himself out and trying to move on from his ex.

"Hey Kylie come here," yelled Gabby from the other side of the room. I excused myself from Kathy and walked towards her group of friends.

"Have you heard? Being gay is like cool now and if you have a homosexual friend is like the best thing ever," she says happily.

"What does that have to do with me," I asked.

"Well, I really like this cute guy he is mysterious and shy every time he's around, so any advise?" I was kinda taken back couldn't she just ask her friends?

"Well since your crush is mysterious and shy try waving at him when you pass by him. When there's like group work talk to him have a couple of small talks get to know him," I say making her try to process my advise.

"Whoa, that was awesome I'll do that thanks Kylie," she says hugging me tightly.

The rest of the day was the complete opposite of what I got last week. The respect has increased rapidly. Like people forgot I was gay in the first place.

I walk down the halls in deep thought that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I bumped in to someone and I immediately apologized picking her things up.

"Please don't hurt me," she says looking at my face.

"Why would I hurt you," I raise my eyebrows confused.

"I beat you up and you probably want to hit me back," she explains making me chuckle.

"Nah, I don't do that that's Nikki's job, but I think she gave you an idea couple weeks back," I say as we stood up.

"Yeah, she was extremely pissed. Look Kylie I'm sorry, it's just that I was sorta jealous of you. You are very kind and I wanted to hurt you when my jealously took over," she explains looking down.

"Like the others you are forgiven even though I had to suffer like a week of that I'm good." We both laugh as we head to class. We get an announcement that student government elections are coming up. Many people starts to nominate people and plan their presentations. I, on the other hand just want to eat my lunch in peace. My friends went to go help some teachers so I'm just here alone eating some pizza and fries.

"Hey, Kylie can we sit here?" I look up and nodded. I awkwardly wave at them and continued to eat.

"So I heard that you give great advise. Gabrielle is hitting off with her crush, 'bout time too," the girl with dark brown hair said. I smiled knowing that she's doing something instead of waiting.

"Why are guys here? No offense though just asking," I say breaking the silence.

"Well I also need advise; my crush likes this girl but he can do so much better. She is using him since she is failing a lot of her classes. What should I do?" I thought about it for a bit.

"Is he worth your time," I ask her she was sorta taken back I can tell she didn't expect that.

"Yes," she says nodding.

"Does he protect you? Does he notice and like to hangout with you?"

"Well...no," she says disappointed.

"Then he's not worth the saving. If I were your crush I'll dump my current girlfriend," I say making her smile.

"What should I do?"

"Go out there flirt a little we are teens life is an adventure so live a little," I say it like its so obvious which it is.

"Thank you Kylie I'll take that into consideration."

"Alright my turn; I have a hard time finding 'the one' can you help me?" A guy with short black hair said.

"Why are you such in a rush on finding love," I ask making a point.

"My friends outside of school have girlfriends and I feel left out," he explains.

"Look being single can be a good thing. Like you can be free, less responsibilities, and no one is yell at you every 5 minutes or so."

"You have a point there dyke," I smile even though he called me a dyke.

"Sure thing man," I sip my chocolate milk and dumped my tray. I sat back down and they were still there.

"So you guys good," I asked and they nod. Feels good to be respected like that.

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