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I don't even know what to do and prom is tomorrow. Lexie didn't really talk to me at school and won't reply to my texts. I feel so bad, I want to go with her but Kendall though. She's like her but Kendall is more of a rebellious person compared to Lexie. I'm so confused both girls are great but I don't want to ruin their night.

"Hey there Kai," my parents say when I passed them by as I go back to my room.

"Hi," I say and after I step on another step my dad asks me something.

"You alright," he says sitting up fixing his posture.

"I don't really know," I say coming down and towards them. My mom looks worried and I sat near them.

"I have to tell you something and I don't really care what happens because that thing that I am about to tell makes who I am."

"What do you mean?" My dad puts his book down and places it on the coffee table. My mom turns the television off and both of them looks at me.

"For the past 7 years I found out I'm...in to girls," I say and they look at each other.

"Really? Are you sure it's not just a phase?" My mom says motioning me to sit next to her. My dad looks like he's taking it all in.

"Yeah and I'm going to prom with a girl just gonna put that out there," I say awkwardly.

"Skyler we know," my dad says smiling.

"Huh come again," I say blinking and feeling very dumbfounded.

"Your principal informed us about school updates and have the digital version of your school paper."

"Hold up how long did you know I was a lesbian?"

"The way you look at girl is the same way your old man looks at girls when we were younger. Growing up he was a flirt and a total player but I fixed him. Anyways we knew ever since we found about your internet history," she says casually.

"Wow I need to clear that up," I say and was surprised.

"Kai we still love you," my mom says and I hugged her tightly.

"So tell us about your dates," my dad says.

"Well Lexie did a documentary about our times together and sang my favorite song at the mommet. Kendall was my formal rival when we go play for our schools."

"So you chose Kendall?"

"Yeah she asked first," I say looking down.

"Ask yourself was that worth it?" My dad says and I was thinking about it.

"I got it thanks mom thanks dad," I yelled getting up to my room.


I moved on from Kylie and I'm going with Matt from my old school. He's pretty alright for a guy. I am fixing the dress that I bought at the mall. I honestly wanted to go with Santiago but it's her choices and I got to respect that.


I rented a limo for my friends and I to use.We all met up at a ice cream shop when we always go to when we were little. When they saw the limo they all excitedly went in. Kathy and Nikki are basically wearing the same dress but in different colors. Ashton is wearing a simple black and white tux but he makes it work while Caleb is wearing a suit that matches the color of Kathy's dress. Luke is wearing has a suit that has a tie that match Sam's dress. Aden being sytlish is wearing a red suit with a black tie. Since I didn't feel like wearing a dress I am wearing a fenimine tux similar to the 11th doctor with the signature bowtie and you can't forget about that.

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