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Last night I was dared to become the male version of being gay. It was sorta easy since all I have to act straight and do a lot of hand movements.

"What's up bish," I exclaim to Nikki. She was surprised at first and now she's laughing hard.

I was alright in my opinion and I flirted playfully with my guy friends. There were taken back but soon understood when I explained what I'm doing.

On the bus, the people in the back were louder than usual. I sat in the middle and that's gonna be the last time I want to be there. A couple of girls were playing around while eating on the bus.

The bus comes to a sudden stop as I am drenched with a drink. My hair and pants are wet with her drink. I look back at the girls seeing that they are an 8th grader and 6th grader. I didn't say anything just looked at them with my fist clenched tight about to hit them.

"Kai sit down you ain't gonna do anything," yelled Luke as I continue to look at the frightened girls. I grinned as I give them a small chuckle.

"Ha yeah, he's right I'm not gonna do anything. Careful next time," I sat back down as they loosen up.

"Oh my god I thought you were gonna go 'Jackie Chan' up in here," the 8th grader said.

"Oh that's Luke's and my friend, Nikki's job," I say as we get to my stop.

So the next day, the girls are still watching their backs. I just went to my first mod. Nikki comes in and started yelling.

"Kai you still got to do it again," she says making me jump. My hand is on my chest and I was breathing hard.

"O-okay,"I panted.

"Also finish your work we can go to Mr. Carter's," I nodded as I finished my warm-up.

When I got there, Ashton and Nikki were kissing. I was taken back and rolled my eyes.

"Ew! Cooties," exclaimed Kathy. I sigh going to the closet again to sharpen pencils. Luis comes in and was looking for Kathy. I pointed to the other door which lead to where she was at. I finish my task and I see a attached picture in my Hangouts. I tap on it revealing a picture of Kendall and her crush.

I was sorta heartbroken at first but I brushed it off. I sighed and my kik alert when off.

"Yo I miss u." I smile knowing it's Lexie.

"I miss you too. There's so much PDA, but it's cute." I type swiftly sending it,only to be scared by the loud bell that just rang.

I exited the office and saw Lexie, I ran catching up to her.

"Whoa! Slow down Santiago," she says when I came up to her. I smile and walked beside her going to lunch.

"What's up? You usually go to Ms. Chase for 'Lunch Bunch' why are you here," she asked and I grinned.

"I like hanging out with you," she playfully pushes me and she laughs.

"Stop flirting Santiago. I'm not interested," she teases me as I pretended to be hurt.

"Oh no I've been friend zoned," she pushes me once again in annoyance. I get my lunch and sat at her table next to her. We both talk about each other and she's so interesting, her stories are amazing.

Lunch ends and we have gym. After warm-up we changed. I wore a loose red t-shirt with white stripes on its sleeves and a navy blue shorts with a yellow stripe at the side. The championships of basketball where happening and I was all hyped up for this moment. I subtly ate one of those Gatorade chews for good luck.

-jets vs. lions-

Since they're the ones who also lost against the top two we are playing against them. I thank all 3 teachers that I can score but it will count as much as boys. Better than nothing am I right?

I swiftly pass the ball to my teammates. Then I realize that Lexie was on their team. I tense up a bit but I shook it off.
She notices this and I can tell she's plotting evil plans in her beautiful mind of hers.

I dribble the ball and before I took a shot I heard Lexie yell.

"Kai! You're so hot playing!" My mind and body reacted to that and I post concentration for a bit missing the shot. So dirty of her to do that. She smirks rebounding the ball. I steal the ball and I can see the basket wide open. I run up for a lay up. Lexie runs up beside and whispers something.

"I didn't know you have such a nice body, Kai," I almost lost my balance but I still made the shot. I was flustered and I give up on shooting.

Aden passes the ball to Luke who fakes and then passes it to me. I ran to the basket to fake it passing to Aden who makes the bank shot, and cue the mini celebration. We leading and purposely kill the time passing the ball every where and just to confuse them. We won and sat down as the other teams play. I greeted Lexie a 'good game' and vise versa.
We change to our regular clothes and the door of my stall swung open. I swiftly put my pants on and I cover my upper body as I close the door.

"Sorry Kylie!" A small figure apologizes going to another changing stall.

"Santiago! That wasn't a fair game," Lexie exclaims as I place my gym clothes in my locker. I shut my locker and face her.

"Say the girl who wants to get in my head," I retorted.

"It's called using resources," she smirks.

"Resources that almost made me loose," I say back.

"Only just to see you blush, it's cute." What?!

"Wait what?!?"

"30 seconds ladies," Ms. Mendez says as Lexie winks. Hold up hold up HOLD UP! What's this witchery?

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