Paper Dolls

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This extra level comprises of "slingshot blocks" that are similar to Termination Shocks's "slingshot pillars". They are pink squares that pop in one by one in a column, then slides towards the player(s) together. It also features gigantic spike balls which are scaled up versions of the small spike balls that have been used in some other levels, which is also included in this level.

First Phase

1. The slingshot squares are more tight.

2. The spike balls are bigger and appear in pairs of 2

3. More lasers

Second Phase

1. The tiny squares come in from both sides

2. The fast moving spike balls are larger, making spaces more enclosed.

3. The lasers are larger

4. Not only the squares come from the right, they can also appear at the left now!

5. The spike balls are bigger.

6. During the part where the sliding squares come from both sides, there are additional top and bottom squares and 4 lasers appear at a time.

Third Phase 

1. Another small wall appears in the middle.

2. The squares slide faster and they now appear randomly

Final Phase

1. Lasers start appearing to the snares

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