Dubwoofer Substep

52 0 0

Notable Changes:

1. The water is more wavy

2. The walls now have spikes on them

First Phase

1. Small mushrooms appear at the bottom. These mushrooms release 8 small triangles from their front.

2. The water droplets are larger

3. Halfway into the phase, cavern spikes appear at the left and right acting as borders and will stay there until the end of phase 2.

Second Phase

1. 2 triangles drop instead of 1.

2. The semi-transparent splashes can hurt you now

3. The splashes from the water is higher

4. On the second half of the phase, the spikes on the sides now fall sideways towards the other side. When a triangle from either side hits the other. The other spike acts like a pulse bomb releasing a ring of smaller triangles. This is called a Triangle Bomb.

Third Phase

1. The walls are larger and create larger waves

2. There are smaller walls that smash the water to the snares. 

3. The warnings for the lasers are more brief and are larger

4. After the 6th wall, More lasers appear.

5. At the last part of the phase, the lasers go more into the center and branch back to the sides.

Forth Phase

1. during the break part, 2 small walls appear at the left and right. Smashing to the beat making the water splash. And just as the drop its, they go back to their normal big size.

2. The lasers go more into the center

3. The walls are bigger and stay in their place for longer

4. During this bit, water droplets appear in random spots

 During this bit, water droplets appear in random spots

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5. At the final part, the droplets appear again

6. There are 2 more sets of lasers branching off from the left and right. They also don't disappear when they fire until the wall slams the left.

7. Speaking of the vertical wall, another wall appears in the middle, but it's horizontal causing the water to make a huge wave.

Final Phase

1. 2 triangles fall instead of 1 and create larger splashes

2. There are both horizontal and vertical random lasers instead of just horizontal ones

3. Vertical lasers appear in the center and branch off to the top and bottom then back into the center.

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