Strike The Earth

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This level is based largely on shovels and rounded squares.

Like all of the levels featured in Update 1.3, Strike the Earth! features elements (of varying degree) from one the four protagonists/antagonists in Shovel Knight's campaigns, with this level motif based on titular Shovel Knight.

Notable Changes:

Throughout the whole level, Rounded walls border the edges.

Segment 1

1. Squares come from both sides.

2. There is another huge track at the right and another one at the left.

3. The middle track cover the whole screen.

4. The shorter tracks have longer trails and are faster

5. The vertical track now covers the whole screen

6. Halfway into the phase, large and small dance floor squares start appearing

7. The lower large square generates a spiral of round squares

8. The light is wider, indicating that 3 shovels appear instead of one, however, the other 2 shovels don't hit the square.

9. When the shovel hits the square, projectiles fire from it.

Segment 2

1. Big and short rounded tracks appear from the right.

2. 2 shovels appear at a time

3. The dance floor squares are bigger and 2 appear at a time

Segment 3

1. Eight shovels appear instead of four.

2. The tracks are very fast and short tracks come from the top

3. There are 4 shovel circles instead of 2

Segment 4

1. Same thing as phase two except the shovels now aim at you now.

2. The long tracks are much faster

3. Tiny squares come from both sides

Segment 5

1. The big squares shoot out smaller round squares

2. When the 6 small shovels and squares appear, tiny squares come from the top

3. 2 rings of squares explode from the squares

Segment 6.

1. Same thing as phase 2 and 4, but the tiny squares are faster

Segment 7

1. There are 8 spinning lines of squares

2. two shovels appear instead of one

3, The middle square generates projectile squares

Segment 8

1. its Phase 2, 4, and 6 combined. making it chaotic.

2. 2 large squares and shovels appear and they explode into 2 rings of squares at the end.

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