La Danse Macabre

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This boss level involves an encounter with a scythe-wielding boss, using attacks from its little specters, black holes and lasers, often pairing them with small circles. Later on, it summons scythes to attack the player, akin to the evil plant's head attacks in the beginning of Lycanthropy.

Like all of the levels featured in Update 1.3, La Danse Macabre features elements (of varying degree) from one the four protagonists/antagonists in Shovel Knight's campaigns, with this level motif based on Spectre Knight.

Teleport Attack

1. The 2 black holes fire at once and 2 more black holes appear. in locations near where the first 2 were.

2. When the boss teleports to the middle, it fires four waves of circles instead of two.

3. There are 26 circles instead of 12 for the black holes.

4. The bosses teleportation circles are larger.

First Phase

1. There is a double spiral in the middle.

2. The fire that goes into the center have more particles behind them

3. four circular walls appear on all four sides when the boss shows up.

4.  there are 24 big circles instead of 12.

5. Another double spiral of small circles appear from the boss.

6. The scythes are faster and bigger

7. The lasers are larger and a ring of circles come from where they fired.

Second Phase

1. 12 lasers instead of 6.

2.  The specters are replaced with scythes.

3. The two black holes fire twenty eight circles instead of twenty four and now appear in random areas instead of only the same areas.

4. When the boss teleports to the middle, 10 rings are fired instead of 5.

Third Phase

1. The scythes moves faster

2. The lasers continue to appear near the end of the level

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