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The first real normal level, Chronos, has gone from very easy, to very hard!

First Phase

1. Black holes appear and explode into 16 bullets. (They stop appearing when the lasers appear)

2. The amount of tiny squares are doubled

3. Triangle shooters now appear 4 times and have small squares leaking below them.

Second Phase

1. Right before the lasers appear, small walls border the screen.

2. Lasers are much larger and have a breifer warning

3. Bombs appear in pairs and explode into 32 projectiles.

4. Everytime the huge bomb turn white, it spews out small amounts of squares and when it explodes, 9 lasers come out of it.

Third Phase

1. The lasers are larger and both vertical and horizontal ones appear at the same time.

2. Pulse bombs appear and explode into 32 projectiles

3. Squares come in from both sides.

4. Right as the squares start spawning, triangle shooters appear from the right.

5.Black Holes are insanely large and have 4 spinning lasers in them

Fourth Phase

1. Squares come from both sides

2. During the part with nothing going on, a barrage of attacks will happen in this order:

8 Lasers > 7 Black holes > 4 Large Beams > 2 Large Triangle shooters > 2 large black holes that fire a ring of bullets > a wall of lasers along with 2 more > A spray of squares that come from the left and right > 3 black holes > 4 black holes in the corners

Fifth Phase

1. The bombs explode into 2 rings of projectiles and appear in pairs

2. Small squares that go in a straight light appear from both sides

3. Small walls border the edges when the walls appear.

4. Walls are larger and have no warnings

5. 5 black holes appear instead of 3 and the bombs appear in pairs, making 10 bombs appear in total.

Final Phase

1. The squares come from both sides with 2 being fired each time

2. Triangle shooters appear from all 4 sides of the screen

3. Halfway into the phase, horizontal lasers start appearing.

4. When the beeping noise is heard, a hyper bomb appears at the top with the checkpoint appearing later.

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