Termination Shock

49 0 0

First Phase

1. Immediately when the song starts, a large black hole appears in the middle

2. Small circles come from the left and right

3. The black holes are larger and have no warnings

4. 2 rings of bullets appear from the black holes

Second phase

1. The walls are higher and have spikes on their tops. 

2. When the left shockwave appears the walls go to the left instead of the right.

3. 2 rings of bullets

4. In addition to the bullets, thin lasers appear.

Third Phase

1. The pillars have no warnings for their spikes and slide faster

2. Borders with spikes appear on all sides of the screen

3. When then these pillars appear,

 When then these pillars appear,

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They are taller and have spikes on their tops

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They are taller and have spikes on their tops.

4. The Rings of bullets can now appear at the top and bottom with 2 rings appearing at a time

Fourth Phase

1. The warnings for the pillars are removed and have spikes on their tops.

2. 2 rings of bullets

3. There is a wall of pillars on the left and right walls of the screen

Final Phase

1. Falling squares that release a shockwave fall from the top and bottom. acting just like the bombs in FOA.

2. Small flying triangles appear from the left and right

3. 2 rings of projectiles

4. The pillars can now appear at the left and right

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