Milky Ways

107 1 0

This one is inspired by linky's ultra hardcore version

First Checkpoint

1. 2 small squares appear at a time and they show up right as the song starts and they keep appearing until the end of the phase

2. When the big dance floor squares appear, they pop-up stitched together.

3. There are 10 bombs and 2 rows of them

4. Instead of the tracks going on a straight line, they now move in a circular form like in cascade. They are also longer and much faster!

5. Pulse bombs appear in the opposite direction at the left and right.

Second Checkpoint

1. The dance floor squares are larger and release a small square that goes in 1 direction only randomly

2. There are walls and 4 bombs on all 4 parts of the screen. This makes tracks appear from all angle in a straight line unlike last time. 

3. The black holes are much larger and there are small ones between the cracks

4. The bombs appear in pairs and explode into even more projectiles

5. The black holes in the middle appear without warning with the first and last black hole acting like a pulse bomb.

Final Part

1. Right before the 5 bombs appear, there is another line of black holes in the middle.

2. 4 dance floor squares appear at a time instead of 2

3. In the first half, the tracks appear from the top and on the second half, they appear at the bottom.

4. At the very end of the level, there is another wall of squares that appear in the middle.

5. The tracks are larger

6. Large black holes appear in the areas where the pop-up squares are usually are.

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