First Crush

21 0 0

This level is similar to Cascade , in that the level is mostly composed of sequencing tracks, except the tracks are made of circles instead of squares.

First Phase

1. Small but long circle tracks come from the top

2. The fountains form faster with 11 appearing at a time instead of  5

3. The lasers are larger and 6 of them appear

4. Bombs explode into 3 rings of projectiles

Second Phase

1. The flower in the middle is bigger, almost covering the whole screen.

2. There is a double spiral of circle tracks that come out of the middle

4. The flurry of fountains can now come from the ceiling.

Third Phase

1. Lasers from the first phase appear.

2. 2 pulse bombs appear instead of two and they explode into more pellets.

3. The middle has 10 tracks instead of 5

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