Flowers Of Antimony

18 0 0

Segment 1

1. There are 2 more beakers that appear on the ceiling

2. Water appears at the bottom and top, but not to high or low.

3. 4 Large black holes appear above the 4 beakers

Segment 2

1. The bombs are larger in size

2. The shockwaves from the bombs are higher and bigger

3. The bombs are already appearing on different sides on the first half.

4. On the second half, The flasks act just like the beakers with bubbles coming out of them.

Segment 3

1. The black holes are bigger

2. There are extra cavern spikes at the left and right of the screen

3. Some of the bubbles split into 2 on random occasions

Segment 4

1. The bombs have a larger shockwave

2. Flasks come from the left and right

3. 2 Beakers appear at the left and right along with 2 more appearing at the top and bottom. 4 smaller beakers help assist the bigger ones.

Segment 5.

1. There are extra cavern spikes at the top and bottom

2. The middle of the 4 beakers are blocked.

3. The bubbles are bigger and go further.

Segment 6.

1. The bubbles are even bigger and rise even higher

2. The water is higher

3. The cavern spikes are longer and extra ones appear at the left and right

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