Chapter 10 - Forbidden Fruit

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Kylo POV

After what has felt like the longest week of your life, it's finally Friday. The first few days of your new job have been eventful, to say the least. You are more than ready for the weekend.

But that’s not the only thing you’re looking forward to. Your last class of the day is your Seniors and that meant Y/N. You haven’t seen her since your encounter at her locker. Out of sight, but definitely not out of mind. The exact opposite, in fact. You have thought of little else since.

You wonder if she realises the effect she has on you. It was more than just intrigue; you were becoming a man obsessed. Imagining what it would be like to touch her, or taste her. Thank god she had no idea. She’d probably run a mile.

At 2pm, your Seniors begin arriving at your classroom and surprisingly, Y/N is one of the first people there. She's wearing a deliciously short skirt today, showcasing her long and supple legs. You were trying hard to shut them out, but your head was quickly filling with dangerous thoughts about exactly what you'd like to do to her.

You catch her eye as she walks past and give a soft smile, not wanting to appear over-enthusiastic. She grins back, as though pleased to see you. The possibility of that alone is enough to entice and excite you.

For now however, you needed to turn your attention back to the rest of your students.

‘Ok class, settle down. Today we're going to be testing the pH of oxides, so everyone pair up and grab a test tube rack.’

Your students get up from their seats, but Y/N however, remains at her desk. She’s looking down at her lap awkwardly and making no effort to find a partner. Did she have no friends?

One of the boys, -Dylan was it - has spotted her. You didn't like the look of him; he was scruffy, clearly a stoner and his grades were completely abysmal. The sort of person Y/N needed to stay well away from.

You watch him, eyeing her up from across the room and immediately feel a pang of jealousy. You didn’t like the way he was looking at her. You knew only too well how disgusting teenage boys could be.

Dylan calls out her name and gives a dorky wave. She smiles back at him, but you can tell it isn't genuine. Eventually, however and somewhat reluctantly, she gets to her feet and joins him.

You slowly make your way around the class, feigning interest in your other student's work, when really your attention was directed at one person and one person only.

Out of the corner of your eye you can see Y/N, talking and laughing with that idiotic boy. Were they friends? Or...more maybe? You weren't surprised that the boys here were interested in her. They weren't blind.

You casually make your way over to them.
‘Everything ok here?’ you ask, trying to sound as easy going as possible.
‘Yeah, we’re good.’ Dylan immediately dismisses you. You don't give him the time of day and instead turn to look directly at Y/N.

‘Oh, Y/N, are you still ok to stay behind tonight?’
‘Yes, of course,' she replies, almost instantly.
‘Perfect.’ You try to give her your most charming smile and it works; her face turning beetroot in response.

You head back to your desk, secretly delighted that you could make her react like that. Of course, most women seemed to become somewhat flustered around you. You tended to have that affect.

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