Chapter 3 - Talk of the School

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The school bell goes, finally signalling the start of your lunch break. Thank God. After your little hiccup first thing, the rest of the morning had gone smoothly enough, but you were exhausted

You’d spent the last couple of hours trying your best to fit in and keep a low profile. Engaging in small talk, asking people about their summer trips; anything to give the impression that you were, well...fine. 

But as you head into the school canteen, you find yourself desperately trying to ignore the whispers from other students that you can’t help but overhear.

'I can't believe she's actually come back.'
'Apparently she was in a coma for two weeks.'
'Did you hear about what happened in chemistry? Jenna told me she had some kind of panic attack. Locked herself in the bathroom.' 

It seemed that no matter how hard you tried, gossip would always spread. 

 You keep your head down as you grab your lunch and try to spot Armie in the sea of students. Eventually, you spot his mop of flame red hair on a far table. He's sitting by himself, and as usual, is buried in one of his comic books.

You walk over and slam your tray down hard on the table, making him jump.
'Fuck! I wish you wouldn't do that!'
'Lighten up Armie, jeez,' you laugh, making yourself comfortable on the bench opposite. 'Good morning?'
'It was alright I guess. We're doing To Kill A Mockingbird in English. Predictable, but I’ve read it three times, so at least I’m guaranteed a good grade. How was chemistry?'
'It was...interesting. I've got a new teacher.' 
'Oh, that Mr Ren? I overheard Jessica talking about him. Apparently he's a dreamboat.' 
You roll your eyes. 'He seems, erm...nice.'

Armie looks at you with narrow eyes that are full of suspicion. 
'What? Why are you looking at me like that?' you ask.
'Since when have you ever thought any of the teachers were nice?' 
You shrug 'Maybe I've turned over a new leaf.'
Armie doesn’t buy it. 'You're not telling me something, I know you're not.'

He was right. Sometimes it was easy to forget just how well he knew you. You were purposely avoiding the subject of your recent panic attack and minor toilet meltdown. You knew it would worry him and then you'd be stuck listening to Armie’s lecture on how this was all too soon and how you should be at home. It was easier to just keep quiet. 

But it wasn't just that, either. You hated to admit it, but since this morning, your mind has been filled with the image of Mr Ren. There was something about him. His dimples when he smiled, his unusual hazel; almost amber eyes, the way his voice sounded when he said your name. Fuck.

 He was a teacher. Were you really as sad and pathetic as the other girls in your class, who could barely look at him without drooling? 

At that exact moment, as if your thoughts were being read aloud, Mr Ren walks into the canteen. You can't help but stare across the room at him, zoning out completely from the conversation. 

'Hey, are you listening?' Armie asks, frowning and clicking his fingers in front of your face. He follows your gaze and turns his head to see the source of your distraction.

'Hang on, is that him? The new chemistry teacher?'
'Jesus, no wonder all the girls in this school are going crazy. How tall is he, like 6'5?' 
'Probably.' You were concentrating hard on remaining nonchalant. 

Armie wasn’t the only one who appeared impressed by Mr Ren. The gaggle of girls on the table next to yours are practically beside themselves with excitement. You catch snippets of their conversation.

‘I’d let him teach me a thing or two if you know what I mean…’
‘He could tutor me after school any day of the week…’
‘Like seriously, are teachers even allowed to be that attractive?’
It seemed Mr Ren was the talk of the school. You weren't surprised; with a population just shy of 4,000, any newcomer to your town was big news. And to be honest, you were glad somewhat that you weren't the topic of conversation for a change.

He’s stood in the queue now, fixated on his phone, hand moving quickly as he types. Probably his girlfriend. Or wife. Was he married? It’s none of your business, you have to remind yourself.

Suddenly, he lets out a long sigh and runs his hand through his dark hair with a look of frustration, before shoving his phone back into his trouser pocket. 

He looks up and as he turns his head, ends up glancing in your direction. You’re still staring at him and you briefly make eye contact. You break your gaze, quickly looking down at your food, embarrassed that he has caught you.

He must think you’re a complete freak, especially after this morning. You can feel your face going red. You try to focus on something, anything but him. 

Armie is watching you and raises an eyebrow.
'Are you ok?'
'Yes. Fine. Why wouldn't I be?' you say, brushing him off.
'Dunno. You're acting...weird.' 

Before you can respond, someone slams a garish, brightly coloured flyer down on the table in front of you. You can just make out the word HOMECOMING blazoned in large letters across the top. Please God no.

You look up and sure enough, Olivia Reynolds, head of the Homecoming Committee, is standing before you, hand on tiny hip, smirk across her beautiful face.

 She fit the stereotype of popular, preppy, cheerleader down to a tee. Long blonde hair, flawless tanned skin, rich, successful parents and a boyfriend who possessed more muscle than brain cells.

 She'd also made your first two years of high school a living nightmare. She was a bully and had tried her hardest to make you an outcast. It was just childish teasing, that’s what your Mom had told you. That she’d grow out of it soon enough. She did, of course, but by then the damage was already done. Your only friend, real friend to this day was Armie. She had succeeded in turning most of your year against you.

'Hey guys, just a reminder that the Homecoming dance is only 3 weeks away! This year's theme is Casino Royale, so make sure you dress to impress! And don't forget, as we're seniors this year, everyone is expected to attend. Even you Y/N.' 

You roll your eyes at Armie, who tries to stifle his sniggers and ends up snorting into his coke. The homecoming dance was the very last place you'd want to spend a Saturday night. It was everything you hated; a popularity contest, a way for people like Olivia to show how much better and richer they were than everyone else.

'Wouldn't miss it for the world,' you say, reluctantly taking a flyer. 
'Perfect,' Olivia replies, apparently unable to recognise the sarcasm in your voice.

'You should come you know,' Armie says as Olivia saunters off back to her gang of cheerleader cronies. 'You might actually have fun.'
'I'll consider it. I'm not making any promises.' 

The school bell goes. You and Armie pick your trays up, decanting the remains of your lunch into a nearby bin.

'Where are you off to this afternoon?’ he asks.
'I've got a free period. Actually, shit you've just reminded me. I better go to the library; I told Mr Ren I'd finish his pop quiz.'
Without missing a beat, Armie replies, 'Why didn't you finish in class? The quiz I mean.'
Fuck. 'Oh, er...I guess I just ran out of time.'

'So what about you?' you ask, changing the subject as quickly as possible.
'Math. A subject that should be illegal on a Monday afternoon. I'll meet you later in our usual spot?' 

You look around, trying to see where Mr Ren has got to, but realise he must be long gone. You hoped the next hour would go quickly. You were ashamed to admit it, but you were sort of looking forward to seeing him again

Perfect Chemistry (teacher Kylo Ren AU)Where stories live. Discover now