Chapter 12 - Playing With Fire

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Kylo POV

The fallout from Friday's incident has resulted in you spending much of the weekend in a drunken stupor.

Drinking yourself into oblivion had become part of your routine after the break up with Riley. It was your way of coping. You had lost everything and it had helped to fill the lonely void that was the remnants of your life.

Since moving, you thought you had turned a corner. But now, it seems you are back to square one. You haven't felt this bad for a long time.

Your head is still pounding by Monday morning, so much so, you consider calling in sick. But that was the easy way out. The coward's way out. You needed to face your problems head on and deal with them, before things got any more out of hand.

Like you had told Y/N, it had been a moment's weakness. A mistake that you didn't plan on making again. You had to make it clear to her that Friday evening would not be repeated.

You force yourself out of bed and make your way to work, a strong black coffee in one hand and your usual morning cigarette in the other.

As you cross the parking lot, you notice Miss Phillips pulling up in her car. She immediately spots you and gives a friendly wave.

You ignore it, pretending that you haven’t seen her, your eyes hidden by your dark shades. You head straight to your classroom and immediately slump into the chair behind your desk.

The image of Y/N straddling and grinding into your lap flashes through your mind. Despite consuming enough alcohol for a small frat party, it seems you have not been able to shake the thoughts you have about her.

As you open up your laptop, you catch your reflection in the black screen. You look a complete mess and every bit as crap as you feel.

To make matters worse, your right hand is still purple and swollen from the impact of your fist on the hard wood of your desk. Maybe you needed a new therapist. It was clear your anger management sessions weren’t working.

Your thoughts are interrupted by the bell and subsequent arrival of your senior class. However shit you felt, you couldn’t let them know it. The show must go on.

In your peripheral vision, you realise  Y/N has just entered the room. Part of you is relieved; after the way she had stormed out on Friday, you weren't completely sure she was going to turn up today.

You force yourself to continue staring at your computer screen. You wouldn't-couldn't look at her. As she walks past your desk, you are hit with the delicious scent of her perfume. The same scent you had smelt all over her skin as you had buried your face in her neck. Fuck.

You glance at your watch, waiting for the last couple of students to make their way in, before standing to address the class.

'Class has begun, everyone in your seats please. Now, today's experiment is-'
One of the girls near the front raises her hand. 'Um excuse me, Mr Ren?'
'Yes, Jessica?'
'You're new here so probably don't realise, but we actually have quite a specific dress code here at Aurora High.'

Dress code? What did you care about the dress code? And why was she bringing it up now?

'Oh?' you reply.
'Yeah. We're not allowed to wear outer clothes during class. You know, coats, hats, scarves, that kind of thing.'

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