Chapter 1 - A Fresh Start

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The repetitive beeping from your alarm clock rouses you. You extend your arm out of the warmth of your bed covers and bash your hand down on top of the button, immediately silencing it. The red numbers flash at you in the dark. 7am. Fuck.

Groaning, you roll onto your back as you remember what today was. First day of school. First day of Senior year. You were trying to think positively, but after everything that had happened, this was proving to be a challenge. 

Groggily, you pull your sheets back and slip out of bed. You cross to your window and peak through the curtains. Grey skies and rain. Of course. What else. 

You yawn and stretch, catching a glimpse of your reflection in the mirror. God, you looked like shit. You’re not sure how much sleep you managed to get; an hour, maybe two. Insomnia did not look good on you.

 Opening your wardrobe, you stare at the small and disappointing  array of clothes you had to choose from. As your Mom used to say; school was for learning, it wasn't a fashion show. You pull out a dark dress, tights and slip on your usual worn down Docs. 

You head downstairs to the kitchen. Dad is already sitting in his usual spot at the table, drinking a black coffee. 
‘Bye Dad. I’m off to school,' you say, grabbing a piece of toast from the rack and throwing your jacket on.

‘Ok hun,’ he replies, but doesn’t look up from the paper. You’re not even sure he’s heard you properly. It was like he was running on autopilot these days. He hadn’t been right put an immediate stop to that train of thought. 

You cross your front lawn to Armie’s house next door. He had been your neighbour and best friend for as long as you could remember. You had literally been in diapers together and walking to and from school was just a part of everyday life now. The look of shock on his face as he answers the door both surprises and worries you.

‘Hey Armie. You ready?’
‘Oh! Um..hey. Er what the fuck?’ He looks completely taken aback, as if he’s seen a ghost.
‘What? Don’t tell me I’ve got the date wrong. Today is the first day of school right?’ you jest.
‘Yeah of course. But um, I just wasn’t expecting you...I mean I didn’t think you’d be back, you know, so soon, after everything…’ he stutters. 
‘Look Armie, I appreciate your concern, but honestly, I’m fine.’ You try to sound convincing. ‘I’d rather just not talk about it. You coming?’
He briefly hesitates before replying, ‘Yeah, sure.’ 

 You walk in silence for a while. It was never awkward with him though. You knew each other better than most siblings. You were both what you would describe as misfits. Never popular, never surrounded by big groups of friends, always in the background and never the centre of attention. 

Armie was, for want of a better word; a nerd. Clever and brilliant, yet obsessed with comic books and sci-fi films (Star Wars in particular) and to his absolute horror; still a virgin. You'd been witness to many tried and failed attempts of his to speak to girls. It had never ended well.

And as for'd always been more of a lone wolf kind of girl. You didn't fit in with what society classed as pretty and popular. You weren't a petite blonde. You hated the colour pink. The thought of being anywhere near the numbskull jocks of your school was enough to make you vomit. You were a loner. But you were OK with that. You were happy in your own company. 

As you turn the corner and approach the ugly, concrete building you had come to know so well, you realise people are looking at you. Heads turning in your direction. People whispering and giggling under their breath.

'Everyone's staring at you,' Armie states, pointing out the obvious.
'Really? Wow thanks, I hadn't noticed.' 
So everyone knew. News really did travel fast in a small town.

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