Chapter 17 - An Evening Well Spent

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Lying to your father wasn’t exactly something you liked to do, but recently, it had become almost second nature. It wasn’t like he was the most attentive parent, anyway. Not since Mom had left. Between watching every single football game on TV and drinking himself into oblivion, there was very little time for you. You co-existed, shared the same house, but you weren’t a family. Not anymore.

In reality, he probably wouldn’t even notice you sneaking out of the house on Friday evening. But these were not normal circumstances. You weren’t heading to some house party, or even to meet a boy from your class. You were going to see Mr Ren. A man twenty years older than you, who also happens to be your chemistry teacher. And he had made it crystal clear just how careful you needed to be.

A cover story was required. Something to ensure that no suspicions would be raised. Obviously, saying you were with Armie was out of the question when he was only next door. It would be too easy for Dad to check in on you and discover you weren’t there. You were going to have to get inventive.

On Thursday evening, you decide to approach the subject. Dad is already three cans of beer down and is relaxing in his usual spot on the couch. You sit down beside him, suddenly feeling unusually nervous.

‘Um, Dad? Can I talk to you for a minute?’
‘Sure, sweetie. What's up?' he replies, his gaze fixed firmly on the Indianapolis Colts.
‘Well erm, some girls in my class are having a sleepover after school tomorrow night. Do you think it would be ok if I went?’

He looks away from the TV and turns to you. ‘Girls? What girls?’ He sounds suspicious. Shit.
‘Oh um, just a few from my Chemistry class.’
‘I didn’t know you had any friends. Except Armie of course.’ Jeez thanks Dad. Way to bruise the ego.

‘Well...exactly,' you continue. 'I thought it was time to try and make some new ones.’
He considers what you have said for a moment. ‘Sure hun, of course you can go. You spend far too much time with that boy anyway. It'll be nice for you to have some girl friends.’
‘Thanks Dad.’

You feel a pang of guilt as you head back upstairs to your room, but it soon disappears when you glance at your phone and see you have a message from Mr Ren.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night. Here’s my address.

Mr Ren’s apartment block was part of a new development on the other side of town. The kind of place that had been advertised as luxury and five star. The thought of you walking into one of those buildings is completely ridiculous and you already begin to feel anxious.

You reply Me too. See you tomorrow and then head to bed for an early night. You are sure you’re going to need it.

At school the next day, time seems to have slowed to an almost unmoving rate. The hours are dragging and you are counting down the minutes till 3pm. As you sit with Armie in the canteen at lunch, you are faced with another problem.

'You want to do something tonight?’ he asks, taking a bite of pizza.
Shit shit shit. 'Oh, I'm really sorry but I can't tonight. I...have plans.'
Armie's eyes narrow with suspicion. 'Plans? With who? Doing what?'
' know. A guy.'
'The same guy that took a chunk out of your neck, you mean?' he says, disapprovingly.
'Seriously though, who is it?’
‘I told you, it’s-’
‘Complicated, I know. But we’re friends, Y/N. Best friends. I thought we could tell each other anything.’ Armie is visibly hurt and you are overwhelmed with guilt.

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